– We have already made a decision. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/74020b/620x0/1/0/2025/03/20/tgpnD62pjq7lxz3rztnjxjhi4gttzk2gexgaqhhl.jpg" alt = "from life taken." Quot; my husband adopted his niece without my consent & quot ;: I am not ready for this child " styles = "background-color: rgba (147,136,131.1)" > < p > my husband's words hit me like a blow to my stomach.
< p > — What decision ? — I asked quietly, although I already felt that I did not want to hear the answer.
< p > He looked at me seriously, as if he didn't understand why I was surprised.
< p > — We adopt clar. < p > — We adopt ? — I said & oacute; not believing in what I hear. & Amp; MDASH; But I never agreed to it! < p > Klara was eight years old.< P >C & oacute; Rka his sister, who died p & oacute; ł a year ago.
< p > Since then she lived with her grandmother, but everyone knew that an older woman could not cope with the child.
< p > and now suddenly we were to be her family.
< p > but nobody asked me about it.
< p > — This is my sister's child! & Amp; MDASH; he said in a raised voice.
< p > — But this is not my child! & Amp; MDASH; I broke free.< p > In his eyes I saw something that I was afraid of.
< p > disappointment.< p > anger.
< p > — How can you like m & oacute; whale ?
< p > I did not answer.
< p > because did I have the right not to want her ?
< p > Did I have the right not to be ready ?
< p > When I saw her for the first time, she stood quiet at her backpack, with a muffled look and a doll in hand.
< p > was small, small, quiet.
< P >She did not say & ampquo; good morning & rdquo;, did not look in my eyes.
< p > and then I felt something even worse than fear.
< p > strangeness.
< p > This child was foreign.
< p > not mine.< p > not our c & oacute; rka.
< p > and yet I was supposed to raise her.
< p > The first days were strange.
< p > Klara almost did not speak.< p > m & oacute; Jer, pr & oacute; I was pretending to pretend that everything was fine.
< p > but it was not.
< p > I felt enclosed in someone else's life.< p > until finally one night, when I was arranged to sleep, she asked me quietly:
< p > — Do I disturb you ?
< p > I froze.
< p > — Nie & Hellip; Where did this idea ?
< p > looked at me for a long time, as if she knew something that I did not want to admit.
< p > — Because you never look at me.
< p > I left her room and I couldn't sleep for a long time.< p > for months I lived in the belief that I am the victim of this decision.
< p > but the truth was different. < p > she was the one who was suddenly thrown into the foreign world.< p > she lost her house, mother, childhood.
< p > and now she was to lose me.
< p > The next day I put a plate with pancakes.
< p > — I like jam, not with cheese & mdash; she said quietly. < p > for the first time she was not afraid to express her opinion.< p > I smiled lightly and served her jam.
< p > first step.
< p > Maybe I wasn't ready yet.
< p > maybe I will never. < p > but if life gave me clar, then it may be worth to love her.