I didn't plan it. I wasn't looking for it. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/7acb8d/620x0/1/0/2025/03/25/ccp27ylnzh21txzujujwbnqptuxiz6rqkbfycg2n6a.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" Style = "background-color: rgba (187,182,165,1)" > < p > love in their thirties was supposed to look different — stable, mature, with bilateral commitment.

< p > and yet I fell in love with a married man.

< p > m & oacute; that this marriage has not existed for a long time. That they sleep in separate rooms. That they are together only for a child.

< p > m & oacute; that he feels with me again, that he was alive.

< p > and I … I wanted to believe.

< p > at the beginning everything was hidden.

< p > stolen kisses. Messages sent p & oacute; Żno at night.

< p > quick meetings, always when & m & oacute; get out of the & rdquo;.

< P >I explained to myself that it was only temporary. That he is in the process of leaving. That I have to be patient.

< p > I waited for months.

< p > Each week brought new & oacute; wki:

< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; I can't yet. She goes through a difficult time. & AMP; BDQUO; I have to wait until the end of the year, through financial issues. ” & AMP; BDQUO; The child has exams. I can't break the world now. < p > I understood. Because I loved.

< p > because I believed that love wins everything.

< p > until one day … fell silent. He did not write back to the message. He didn't answer the phone. Hours disappeared, then days. Until he finally wrote:

< P > & AMP; BDQO; I'm sorry. I decided to give my family a chance. ” < p > That's it. One sentence. After the two -amp; < p > He did not ask if I could manage. He didn't ask if he had hurt. Simply wet & oacute; he allegedly wanted to escape.

< p > and I stayed with the void, which he built in me.

< p > For a long time I only felt shame. Shah I believed. That I was & ampquo; the other & rdquo;.

< p > that I gave someone all, having nothing in return except promises.

< p > but today I know one thing: I wasn't the one who broke my life. He broke me, hiding behind fear and comfort.

< p > I was a lover. But I wasn't naive. I was a woman who loved & oacute; even if illegally.

< p > and although he was & oacute; I was in my wife, I was & oacute; And I will never give up to someone who has no courage to choose me in the light of the day.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116