When I got married, I was sure I found the love of my life. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/e2be9b/620x0/1/0/2025/03/11/w582km15unji6chcwomwcebsdzdzdz9fohyw1fohywa13bqk6y.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (88,94,67,1)" > < p > m & oacute; Jer was a farmer & ndash; strong, hard -working, respected in the village. In his eyes I saw warmly, in his hands strength, and in his words the promise of the future of the future.

< p > I thought it would be like in movies & ndash; Walks in the fields, candlelit dinners, the smell of cut hay and romantic evenings under the starry sky.

< p > but life quickly showed me how wrong I was.

< p > first morning after marriage.

< p > I thought I would wake up in his arms, that he would be lazy, sensitive morning.

< p > but he was already in the field.

< p > I was alone in the cold & oacute; Żku.

< p > — He did not even manage to say & ampquo; good morning & rdquo; & Amp; MDASH; I sighed, glancing at my watch.

< p > sz & oacute; stable in the morning.

< p > The next days were getting heavier.

< P >& Amp; MDASH; Pom & oacute; in the barn — he said one day.

< p > I have never dealt with cows before. I have always imagined life in the countryside as something picturesque, but the smell, mud and endless duties quickly brought me to the ground.

< p > — I have to do it ? — I asked, pr & oacute; not to let me know disgust.

< p > — We are a family. Everyone works.

< p > I said nothing, but inside I began to understand that my dreams of romantic life were only dreams.

< p > days merged into one.

< p > wake up at dawn, animal feeding, work in the field, cleaning the farm.

< p > There was no time for candlelit dinners, for long conversations, to hold hands while walking & oacute; w.

< p > There was only fatigue.

< p > — Honey, maybe tonight we will come out somewhere ? — I asked one day, hoping that we would finally find a moment only for ourselves.

< p > looked at me with a tired eyes.

< p > — We don't have time for this.

< p > We didn't have time for us.

< p > months passed.

< p > I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a completely different woman than the one I was before the wedding.

< p > somewhere a girl disappeared who dreamed of romantic life.

< p > left a woman who worked from dawn to dusk, who was cracked from hard work and the heart was increasingly empty.

< p > Did I love my husband ?

< p > yes

< p > but is it enough when there is no place in it for closeness ?

< p > I didn't know.

< p > and I was more and more afraid of answering.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116