I sat in a notary office, squeezing my hands on my knees. My husband has been dead for two months. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/76c883/620x0/1/0/2025/03/08/wbqm1mld1zguclem3qqv624dahth05paqt3grohw.jpg" alt = "from life taken." I lived with him for years, but only after his departure did I discovered the truth "Quot; styles = "background-color: rgba (111,111,111.0.93)" > < p > two months b & oacute; lu.
< p > two months, during which & oacute; I could not accept his empty place at the table, his clothes in the closet, its smell, which I still felt on the pillow.
< P >I was ready for everything & ndash; for subsequent tears, for a long mourning, for loneliness.
< p > but not.
< p > notary looked at me coldly, as if he had no good news for me. < p > — The will was made a year ago. The whole property of Mr. Andrzej falls to his mother.< p > my heart stood.
< p > — I listen ?
< p > — All. House, savings, car & oacute; d & hellip;
< p > I didn't understand.
< p > — But & hellip; But this is M & Amp; Oacute; Jer. Our house. Our life & hellip;< p > When I left the office, with my hands I still clenched a thin envelope with a copy of the will.
< p > I couldn't breathe. < p > We made love. After all, we were a family. < p > so why never told me that he wrote everything to his mother ?< p > — You know how he loved you & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; The mother -in -law said when I came to her with these documents.
< p > — He loved ? — I smiled bitterly. & Amp; MDASH; That's why he left me without anything ?< p > — You exaggerate & hellip;
< p > — I exaggerate ?! & Amp; MDASH; I felt anger for the first time in months. & Amp; MDASH; We were married! And I have nothing now!
< p > sighed and looked at me with pity. < p > — You may have been, but you know & Hellip; Mother is a mother. < p > that day I realized that I was only someone next to. < p > I trusted my whole life to a man who & oacute; ry never really belonged to me.< p > and now ?
< p > Now I had to learn to live with the awareness that everything I built belonged to someone else.
< p > that I had nothing. < p > or his.< p > nor our lives.