It was supposed to be a love I have never known before. < img src = "" alt = "from life taken." I left my husband for my lover & quot;: Only later I understood what mistake I made " styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > stormy, crazy, forbidden.

< p > When Michał appeared in my life, the world suddenly shuddered.

< p > m & oacute; Jer, Paweł, was good. Sensitive. Stable. But & hellip; predictable.

< p > after fifteen years of marriage I felt that I went out.

< p > and then he appeared.

< p > Michał was different.

< p > m & oacute; that I was beautiful, that I deserve more.

< p > that he sees something in me that no one else sees.

< p > Zawr & oacute; I was so easy in my head that I did not recognize myself.

< p > I started lying.

< p > find & oacute; wki.

< p > slip out of the house like a teenager.

< p > until I finally told Paweł:

< p > — I'm leaving. I love someone else.

< p > did not cry.

< p > just looked at me with his sad eyes and said:

< p > — I hope you will not regret someday.

< p > At the beginning I was convinced that I won my life.

< p > I lived with Michał.

< p > everything was exciting. Other.

< p > but after a few weeks this spell was broken

< p > The small Klie began.

< p > then longer silence.

< p > I finally saw that I was not in anyone's arms & ndash; only in the trap of illusions.

< p > Michał was not sensitive.

< p > was jealous, controlling.

< p > He was not interested in my children, my affairs, my emotions.

< p > wanted me & ndash; but only when I was his decoration.

< p > not a partner.

< p > not a woman with the past.

< p > only the trophy, which he got bored of him over time.

One evening Wr & Amp; Oacute; & oacute; Żn. < p > with the perfumes of another woman on clothes.

< p > — You are no longer as unique as I thought — threw cold.

< p > and then, for the first time, I understood.

< p > I left love for illusion.

< p > I called Paweł.

< p > not to ask for a return < P > Simply & Hellip; I wanted to hear his voice.

< p > on the other side there was silence.

< p > and then only one sentence:

< p > — I will always wish you well. But I have already learned to live without you.

< p > I hung up with tears in my eyes.

< p > not because he did not accept me back.

< p > but because I lost something that was true.

< p > for something that was only a moment.

< p > today I know that the biggest mistakes in life are those who are making & re; confusing passion with love.

< p > because the real one does not scream, he does not promise a miracle & oacute; w.

< p > she just is.

< p > but I have already lost her. Forever.

< p > This may also interest you:

< p > see, as we wrote about in recent days:

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116