I fell in love, although I didn't plan love anymore. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/62dd43/620x0/1/0/2024/11/09/b94txnpem8wmxrw5gqknzgi1d45fpatd9bwpxyyp.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (180,171,160,1)" > < p > after the divorce I told myself that it was over. That I can not trust anymore, that I do not want to know about other people.
< p > until I met Andrzej.
< p > widower.< p > lonely, quiet, wounded.
< p > we met by accident & ndash; In the queue for medicines for mom. He gave me an umbrella when it started to rain.
< p > We exchanged a few words < p > It started with tea. Then conversations to p & oacute; Walk & oacute; v.
< p > was different. Quiet. Sore after the death of his wife, but ready to love someone again.
< P >And I … I dared to take a chance.
< p > When he first invited me to himself, I felt uncomfortable. < p > photos of his deceased wife were still hung in the living room.< p > I didn't want to move them. I did not want to be & ampquo; the latter &.
< p > but in time we started to live together. Calmly.< p > I didn't think about money.
< p > I didn't think about what it has.
< p > I was just thinking about how well to hug someone.
< p > until one day his children came.
< p > dw & oacute; One C & oacute; Rka.
< p > seemingly polite.< p > but in their eyes they had suspicion and cold outer; d.
< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; Nice to meet you. & Amp; Rdquo; & ndash; she said C & Amp; Oacute; Rka, squeezing my hand so hard that I felt b & oacute; l.
< P >P & oacute; Andrzej sat at the table pale and tense.
< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; I talked to children. They are worried … that you may have property considerations. ” < p > I was & oacute; I saw. < p > — & do they think I'm with you for money ? & ~ rdquo;< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; They don't understand that someone may want to be with me out of love & Hellip; & Amp; Rdquo;
< p > From now on, each meeting with his children was a nightmare. < p > silent look.< p > whispering conversations in the kitchen.
< p > hidden documents.
< p > until finally my son told me directly:
< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; Don't count on the fact that you will stay here for a long time. Dad has a will. We will deal with this. & Amp;
< p > I shuddered.
< p > not because I wanted the property.
< p > but because suddenly I felt like an intruder in my life, which I was eating & oacute; I created for over two years.
Andrzej wanted to fight.
< p > he wanted to explain, convince.< p > but I … I was tired.
< p > tired of constantly proving that I am not greedy. That I love and not calculate.
< p > I packed things and left.< p > not because I stopped loving him.
< p > but because his children will never let us be happy without a fight. < p > and I no longer have the strength to fight someone who does not even know me by name, but from prejudice. < p > and maybe they will once understand that they lost not only the potential & ampquo; heir to the “ampquo;, but also a woman who could give them their father a few good years.< p > but then it may be for p & oacute;
< p > because hearts & ndash; Even the most in love – they can also get tired.
< P >