I fell in love, although I didn't plan love anymore. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/62dd43/620x0/1/0/2024/11/09/b94txnpem8wmxrw5gqknzgi1d45fpatd9bwpxyyp.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (180,171,160,1)" > < p > after the divorce I told myself that it was over. That I can not trust anymore, that I do not want to know about other people.

< p > until I met Andrzej.

< p > widower.

< p > lonely, quiet, wounded.

< p > we met by accident & ndash; In the queue for medicines for mom. He gave me an umbrella when it started to rain.

< p > We exchanged a few words < p > It started with tea. Then conversations to p & oacute; Walk & oacute; v.

< p > was different. Quiet. Sore after the death of his wife, but ready to love someone again.

< P >And I … I dared to take a chance.

< p > When he first invited me to himself, I felt uncomfortable.

< p > photos of his deceased wife were still hung in the living room.

< p > I didn't want to move them. I did not want to be & ampquo; the latter &.

< p > but in time we started to live together. Calmly.

< p > I didn't think about money.

< p > I didn't think about what it has.

< p > I was just thinking about how well to hug someone.

< p > until one day his children came.

< p > dw & oacute; One C & oacute; Rka.

< p > seemingly polite.

< p > but in their eyes they had suspicion and cold outer; d.

< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; Nice to meet you. & Amp; Rdquo; & ndash; she said C & Amp; Oacute; Rka, squeezing my hand so hard that I felt b & oacute; l.

< P >P & oacute; Andrzej sat at the table pale and tense.

< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; I talked to children. They are worried … that you may have property considerations. ” < p > I was & oacute; I saw.

< p > — & do they think I'm with you for money ? & ~ rdquo;

< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; They don't understand that someone may want to be with me out of love & Hellip; & Amp; Rdquo;

< p > From now on, each meeting with his children was a nightmare.

< p > silent look.

< p > whispering conversations in the kitchen.

< p > hidden documents.

< p > until finally my son told me directly:

< p > — & AMP; BDQUO; Don't count on the fact that you will stay here for a long time. Dad has a will. We will deal with this. & Amp;

< p > I shuddered.

< p > not because I wanted the property.

< p > but because suddenly I felt like an intruder in my life, which I was eating & oacute; I created for over two years.

Andrzej wanted to fight.

< p > he wanted to explain, convince.

< p > but I … I was tired.

< p > tired of constantly proving that I am not greedy. That I love and not calculate.

< p > I packed things and left.

< p > not because I stopped loving him.

< p > but because his children will never let us be happy without a fight.

< p > and I no longer have the strength to fight someone who does not even know me by name, but from prejudice.

< p > and maybe they will once understand that they lost not only the potential & ampquo; heir to the “ampquo;, but also a woman who could give them their father a few good years.

< p > but then it may be for p & oacute;

< p > because hearts & ndash; Even the most in love – they can also get tired.

< P >

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116