It was an ordinary day. < img src = "" alt = "from life taken." Qu; quot; I came back from work earlier "quot;: in the hallway I came across women's clothes" Style = "background-color: rgba (89,90,84.1)" > < p > nothing announced the disaster.
< p > I got out of the bus, tired after work, thinking only about making a tea and rest for a while.
< p > It was early. The boss canceled the meeting, so I had a few hours earlier than I planned.
< p > I did not warn my husband.< p > why I was supposed to do it ? I was coming back to my own home. I turned the key in the castle and immediately felt something strange.
< p > silence. But not so ordinary, homemade silence. It was a tense silence, overwhelming.
< p > and then I saw it. < p > in the hallway, on the floor, there was a women's dress. < p > red. < p > not mine.< p > my heart began to bang.
< p > I didn't want to go further.
< p > but I had to. < p > I heard them before I saw them. Giggle. Muffled words. < p > bedroom door was closed. I wanted to go back. I wanted to believe it was a absurd sleep. < p > but I took a step forward & oacute; D. And then I saw him. < p > my husband. And her. In my & oacute; Żku. In & oacute; Żku, in which & oacute; rhyme fell asleep next yesterday.< p > I don't know how long I stood there. Seconds ? minutes ?
< p > I don't know who noticed me first.
< p > I only know that when our eyes met, there was no shame in it.
< p > There was no fear. Only irritation. < p > — You were supposed to be at work & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; He said as if it were the only problem. < p > as if not that he cheated on me. Only that I saw the truth. < p > I don't remember how I left. I don't know if I said anything. < p > I know only one. < p > that day I was home earlier. And I never had to him again.