The phone rang for the third time. < img src = "" alt = "old lady @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (138,137,132,1)" > < p > I looked at the screen. Mom.

< p > I knew what he wanted.

< p > It was always the same.

< p > o money.

< p > — Hi, mom.

< p > — Hi baby. How are you ?

< p > I knew this tone. I smiled bitterly.

< p > First a few minutes of apparent care, and then a request that I could not refuse to whatever.

< p > — You know & Hellip; I have such a situation — she started and I clenched my teeth.

< p > — How much ?

< p > A moment of silence.

< P >& Amp; MDASH; Two thousand.

< p > I sighed.

< p > — Mom, you have a pension.

< p > — Well, but you know how it is. Bills, life & Hellip; Besides, it's probably not a problem for you, true ?

< p > did not wait for my answer.

< p > because for her it was obvious.

< p > that I will pay.

< p > that I will not oppose.

< p > because it was always like that.

< p > I don't know when it started.

< p > When the money became the ame of our size & oacute; w.

< p > when I stopped being for her c & oacute; and became an ATM.

< p > I paid because I felt I should.

< p > because it's a mother.

< p > because she raised me, sacrificed me, she wasn't easy.

< p > but how many times you can pay off the debt, which & oacute; ry never ends ?

< p > — Two thousand are a lot, mom — I said carefully.

< p > — Oh & Hellip; & Amp; MDASH; I heard a note of paintings in her voice. & Amp; MDASH; I did not know that for my own mother you would count every penny.

< p > I closed my eyes.

< p > always the same.

< p > Always emotional blackmail.

< p > always guilt, which & oacute; was to force me to submission.

< p > — Mom, I also have my expenses.

< p > — Yes. Your life is more important than mine, truth ?

< p > this time something broke in me.

< p > — And has my life ever been important to you ?

< p > there was silence.

< p > I didn't hear the answer.

< p > because the answer was obvious.

< p > for her I was just someone who was supposed to give her everything.

< p > because she gave me life.

< p > and now I had to pay for it.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116