I sat on the couch in my own apartment, listening to my daughter in a calm, substantive tone explains to me that I should leave. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/0b6458/620x0/1/0/2025/03/05/dblwqgb7riut1jdiummhervmpio4y4y3x0whpqkzo.jpg" alt = "older Mr. @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (" > < p > — Tattoo is the best solution for you — She said softly, avoiding my eyes. & Amp; MDASH; You will care there, doctors, you will not be alone.
< p > — I am not alone here & AMP; MDASH; I replied dry.
< p > sighed as if she had prepared for this conversation for a long time. < P >& Amp; MDASH; You know that Mateusz is already eighteen. He should have his own place. And your apartment is empty most of the time.< p > — Empty ? — I smiled bitterly. & Amp; MDASH; It's m & oacute; j house.
< p > — Just & Hellip; And we want Mateusz to have a good start in life. Instead of renting, he will have something of his own.
< p > I looked at her carefully. < p > — And where in all this I am ?< p > hesitated.
< p > — You can't stay here forever, dad & hellip;
< p > forever.
< p > I didn't plan to live forever. I didn't ask much. But I never thought that the day when I will stop needed to be needed, it will come so fast.
< p > I had c & oacute; rk. I had a grandson. I thought I had a family.
< p > and now I have become a problem that you need to remove the place for someone younger.< p > — I have already packed some of your things — She said as if it were another matter to be dealt with.
< p > I looked at her. My little girl who once taught to ride a bike.< p > — You throw me out of my house.
< p > — I don't throw away! & Amp; MDASH; She protested violently. & Amp; MDASH; Just & Hellip; This is the best solution. < p > best for whom ?< p > A few days p & oacute; I sat in a new place.
< p > Pok & oacute; j smelled of strangeness, ł & oacute; Żko was not mine, and the silence was different.< p > m & oacute; j grandson got an apartment.
< p > and I got & oacute; Żko in a place where people wait at the end.
< p > The worst thing was that I didn't feel angry anymore.
< p > only void.