Over twenty years have passed, and I still remembered his voice. < img src = "https://zycie.news/crrops/ff2260/620x0/1/0/2025/03/21/sahfahmkmkz9rietfqwqw3aicpdhh55rf4bav0dcxh.jpg" alt = "woman @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (176,158,137.1)" > < p > We were a couple in high school & ndash; young, naive, in love with ears.
< p > I thought then that the world ends and starts there.
< p > When he left without a word, I thought I would die with b & oacute; lu.
< p > He was my first love. And the only one that I have never been able to forget.
< p > I got married.
< p > I gave birth to children.< p > I experienced ups and downs.
< p > but somewhere deep in me was one quiet dream:
< p > that one day I will meet in him.
< p > and that maybe & hellip; maybe everything else will work out.< p > Maybe it was a mistake of time, place, immaturity.
< p > maybe fate wanted to separate us just to connect us p & oacute;
< p > we met by accident.
< p > I stood in a queue in the store, and he turned & oacute; and looked in my eyes.< p > — Anka ? — asked in disbelief.
< p > this voice. The same. < p > my heart froze.< p > in an instant Wr & oacute; Summer evenings, first kisses, long calls on the phone.
< p > I smiled uncertainly.
< p > — Tomek.
< P >We started talking. < p > coffee. < p > then one more.< p > then dinner.
< p > m & oacute; Jer, was only a shadow of memories, and the adult children and had their lives.
< p > I thought: Maybe that's our time ?
< p > He was free. Me too.
< p > m & oacute; he thought about me.
< p > that he regrets that he did not fight.< p > that he never loved anyone like me.
< p > and I … I wanted to believe it.
< p > but the more we were approaching, the more illusions were bursting in me.
< p > was charming & ndash; but only if it suited him.
< p > I began to notice that he didn't really listen to me.
< p > Everything always came back to him.
< p > to his problem & oacute; w. His success & oacute; w. His needs.
< p > m & oacute; j the world was only a background for him. < p > one evening, after another dinner, said:< p > — You know that all these years I thought about you like a woman who would never limit me ?62> — And what if I also have needs, dreams, plans ? — I asked.
< p > shrugged.< p > — Then find someone who will endure them. I'm not going to change.
< p > and then I understood. < p > This fate did not allow us to be together. < p > It wasn't bad. < p > He was never for me.< p > Only I didn't see it.
< p > because I was in love with the memory, not in man. < p > I got up from the table. < p > not saying goodbye. < p > without watching. < p > because for the first time I did not want to recover it anymore.< p > because I regained myself.