Twenty years of building a common world. < img src = "" alt = "old lady @pexels" styles = "background-color: rgba (92,81,71.0.98)" > < p > twenty years of marriage.
< p > twenty years co -porne < p > twenty years of building a co -& oacute world.
< p > and one sentence, which & oacute; rearmed everything in a second.< p > — I go away.
< p > He sat opposite me, with the same calm expression with which for years M & oacute; was that the wr & oacute; ci p & oacute; from work, that he bought a new mower, that I had to remember to visit the dentist. ~ 60 > 62 ~ < p > The same tone announced that we are gone. < p > — I met someone. < p > my heart stopped for a moment.< p > I didn't ask who.
< p > I haven't asked since.
< p > I didn't ask why.
< p > I knew that the answers would not change anything.< p > — And what now ? — I finally managed to whisper.
< P >He shrugged as if it was the simplest decision in his life. < p > — I want to start all over again. < p > again ?< p > And what was the last twenty years ?
< p > experiment ?
< p > an idea for life that did not work ?
< p > What was I for him ?
< p > stop ?
< p > younger.
< p > I didn't have to ask. < p > I knew. < p > probably prettier, with a smooth sk & oacute; hand and fresh look.< p > without wrinkles after sleepless nights, without a trace < p > without history, which I shared with him.
< p > — Fortunately, I deserve — He added as if he was a victim here.
< p > I also deserved.
< p > but I had no choice. < p > because my happiness has just been taken away from me.< p > I don't remember what I said later.
< p > I don't remember how long I was sitting there.< p > but I remember this feeling.
< p > this void.
< p > this awareness that someone just deleted me from their own life. < p > The next day he began packing things.< p > shirts, books, documents.
< p > did not look in my eyes.
< p > He didn't ask how I feel.
< p > because he did not want to know the answer.< p > When the door closed behind him, I understood something terrible.
< p > for him it was the beginning.< p > and for me ?
< p > for me it was the end.
< p > but I didn't want to end.
< p > so I had to do something that I have never done before.< p > I had to learn to live without him.
< p > and although I didn't know how to do it & hellip;
< p > I knew that I had to say & oacute;