< img src = "/uploads/blogs/0F/3a/ib-fqujoev7m_c6fc9316.jpg" ALT = "BRACK & quot; flying ninja & quot; < p > is a fighting part of R-9x, the design of which does not contain explosives. Instead, the kinetic energy of ammunition and six sliding blades that are opened at the time before hit.
< p >At the end of February, the US military eliminated in Syria one of the leaders of a terrorist group related to Al-Qaeda, Mohammed Yusuf Zia Talai. At the same time, the central command of the US Armed Forces & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; video that attracted attention to the first < p >
< blockquote class = "twitter-tweet" > < P lang = "en" dir = "ltr" > Centcom forces kill the senior military leader of al-Qaeda affiliate hurras al-din (had) in syria < ~ ~ > 1. 23, U.S. Central Command (Centcom) forces conducted a precision Aircration in Northwest Syria, Targeting and Killing Muhammed YUSUF ZIYA TALAY, The Senior Military Leader of & hellip; hellip; pic.twitter.com/trhdvgdgne: & mdash; U.S. Central Command (@Centcom) March 1, 2025 < p >
< p >
< p >Commenting on the liquidation of the terrorist, Army Recognition & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; a missile of the Helfire & mdash; AGM-114R-9X, called Flying Ninja (Flying Ninzjy). Ammunition feature in the original warhead whose principle is different from standard solutions.
< p > is a warlord R-9x, the peculiarity of which is that it is characterized by the absence of explosive substance. Instead, it destroys the target due to kinetic stroke and six sliding blades, which are opened at the time before hit. This design is designed specifically for high -precision liquidations when it is important to minimize satellite damage.
< p > in other words, the AGM-114R-9X missile destroys the target only by kinetic energy and cutting blades that instantly open before the blow, cutting obstacles such as the roof of the car or any other light shelter. This solution may be quite effective in the conditions of dense urban development, where it is important to minimize concomitant damage.
< p >< strong > Specifications AGM-114R-9X HELLFIRE 0 ~/P > > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < Ul > < li > mass: about 49 kg.
< li > Length: 1.6 m.
< li > diameter: 180 mm.
< li > Guide: inertial semi -active, laser.
< LI > A warhead type: kinetic, with six sliding blades. < LI > Platform-carriers: MQ-9 reaper, helicopters, ground launchers.
< P > thus summarized the watches, the use of R-9X warheads demonstrates the desire of the Pentagon to use the most selective ammunition in counter-terrorist operations, which makes the Flying Ninja missile unique weapons in the US Air Force.