The company SpaceX, the owner and founder of which is the billionaire Ilon Musk, announced a mission within which the crew will make the first manned space flight above the Earth's poles.
This was reported by the company in the X network.
The mission was named Fram2 and will be launched at the end of this year.
Its crew will consist of four people: entrepreneur and mission commanderChun Van (Malta), vehicle commander Yannike Mikkelsen (Norway), pilot Eric Phillips (Australia) and mission specialist Rabea Rogge (Germany).
For each of the crew members, this will be the first flight into space. For three to five days, they will observe the polar regions of the Earth at a distance of 425-450 km.
During the Fram2 mission, the team will monitor such atmospheric phenomena as strong thermal emission velocity enhancement (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement , STEVE).
It's a wide arc in the sky that stretches for “hundreds or thousands of kilometers.”
The crew will also work to conduct a variety of studies to better understand the effects of spaceflight on the body a person In particular, it is about obtaining the first X-ray images of a person in space.
It is expected that this will help in the development of tools necessary to prepare humanity for future long-duration space flights.