< img src = "/uploads/blogs/3C/bc/ib-FR80Ta3vn_999ea2a6b.jpg" Alt = "land robotic robotic complex SIRKO-S1 helps in changing, demining and logistics"/~ 62 < P >< Strong > Modern War requires modern technological solutions. Therefore, unmanned ground complexes developed by Ukrainian companies are actively implemented in the defense of Ukraine. < p > About it & nbsp; reported March 25 & nbsp; Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

< P > UGV Sirko-S1 & mdash; One of the first ground robotic traffic platforms that was codified and started used in the army.

< P > Due to the modular structure it is easy to change its configuration to perform a wide range of operations: from intelligence and logistics to mine safety.

~ < p > at the same time combat and tactical tasks are carried out remotely, which significantly increases the safety of servicemen.

< p >Thanks to the reliable SIRKO-S1, the SIRKO-S1 system can perform operations up to 3 km in the direct visibility area, with the possibility of expanding this radius up to 10 km using a repeater.

~ ~ ~ ~ < P > The design of the platform involves the use of additional modules to expand functionality: from basic logistics tasks for the transportation of supplies and reconnaissance, to mines or mine.

~ < P > It is ready to work within minutes after transportation. The robot has high maneuverability and patency due to flexible structure and airless wheels 4×4.

< p > This facilitates navigation on rough terrain and allows it to be used on various operating landscapes.

< P > The robotic platform Sirko-S1 is codified and purchased for the Defense Forces of Ukraine. With its help, the Ukrainian military transports cargoes, carry out mines and mine < P > It is noteworthy that during training, all these functions can be mastered in three-p & rsquo; the days of intensive classes with the instructor.

~ ~ < P > Due to the compact size of Sirko-S1 is not a priority target for enemy destruction and is quite invisible even through special vision devices that makes it optimal for work on the front country.

~ ~ < P > The platform is purchased by the state for more than two years and used throughout the front line. The developer conducts constant modernization of unmanned ground complexes to improve their characteristics and expand functionality.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116