< Img src = "/uploads/blogs/be/04/ib-1im8bhjjjc_91a7bc9d.jpg" Alt = "similar to & quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; /> < p dir = "ltr" >0 ~ Em > at the beginning of 2025 the media began to write that now in service in Ukraine there is an analogue of the Russian-Iranian “Shahamed” & ndash; Uas Seth drone. It is really visually outwardly similar, but on this coincidences are completed (and maybe not).

< p dir = "ltr" >< Em > 24 Channel & nbsp; tells what is known about the new Ukrainian Uas Seth. 0 ~/P > ~ > 62 > 62 > 62 < H2 class = "Anchor-Link" dir = "ltr" id = "1" name = "1" > uas set & ndash; The latest Ukrainian weapons

< p dir = "ltr" > for the first time the public learned about UAS SETH in early December 2024 & ndash; At that time, German Chancellor Olaf Solz arrived in Kiev and part of the “Cultural Program” was visiting the exhibition of drones developed by Ukraine together with Germany.

~ ~< P class = "bloquote cke-mackup" dir = "ltr" > at the exhibition were presented drones of domestic production, as well as created in Ukraine in cooperation with German companies. In particular, in one of the drones, automatic renewal systems are used to the target with artificial intelligence of the production of German companies. Another & ndash; This is the result of a localized German company that opened the Center for Production and Service of Ukraine, & ndash; & Nbsp; Nbsp; Presidential Office & Nbsp; Nbsp; About Drone Exhibition 2 December 2025.

~ ~ ~ > < P > The President's Office did not provide too much information, but instead showed numerous photos from the exhibition and experts saw them still unknown drone, visually similar to ShahED-136, but smaller in size. It and turned out to uas seth.

< p dir = "ltr" >On March 10, 2025, the volunteer fund “Come back alive” wrote about the successful combat use of the drone on the front on March 10, 2025. Volunteers posted photos and videos of combat work and reported that Uas Seth drone is in service with Azov brigades, which operates in the Torets direction:

< p class = "bloquote cke-mackup" dir = "ltr" > uas set & ndash; The newest Ukrainian weapons of the Azov brigade. It was purchased & ndash; Our philanthropists. This shock BPAK is easy to operate, fully automated and already engulfed in a hostile target in the Torets direction. With it, shock drones will be even better hunting for the occupiers, their weapons and equipment.

< H2 class = "Anchor-Link" dir = "ltr" id = "2" name = "2" > What is known about uas set

~ ~ ~ < p dir = "ltr" >Uas Seth & ndash; This is Ukrainian-German development. In view of the above report of the Presidential Office, Ukraine in the project is responsible for “iron” and the Germans & ndash; for “Automatic Authorization Systems on Target with Artificial Intelligence”.

< p dir = "ltr" > How automated control works, gives an understanding of the already mentioned video from “Come back alive”. It seems that the operator with the help of a cursor sets the point to which the drone should fly. And then everything does the UAV & ndash; It does not need to “lead” while managing the remote, he flies into a point defined by the operator.

< P >< Strong > Uas Seth hit a Russian truck: Watch video 0 ~/p > > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < P >< Br/>0 < Iframe Width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/huinpoeuzju" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~ Br/>0 ~/P > < p dir = "ltr" > Unlike the mentioned “Shahamed”, Uas Seth has an electric engine that drives a pusher screw.

~ < p dir = "ltr" >This significantly reduces the noise and also takes into the UAV comparison with the moped. In addition, the electric engine leaves a smaller heat footprint, which makes UAS SETH a difficult task for the enemy. The enemy's problems are also added by the dark color of fuselage, which makes the search in the night sky a non -trivial task for mobile fire groups of Russians.

< Ul Dir = "ltr" > ~ 60 > Experts Edition & nbsp; defense-express & nbsp; nbsp; uas seth can be equipped < LI > Experts & nbsp; “militaristic” & nbsp; specifying what is said about an eight-channel CRPA-antenna of protected GPS satellite signals. This is an additional bonus and a big challenge for the Russian rebels.

< p dir = "ltr" >Experts also suggest that UAS SETH is made from a regular catapult that allows you to run a drone in the field.

< H2 class = "Anchor-Link" dir = "ltr" id = "3" name = "3" > uas set & ndash; Known characteristics

< Ul Dir = "ltr" > < li > type & ndash; Baraning ammunition,

< li > engine & ndash; Electric,

< li > wing swings & ndash; About 1.5 meters,

< li > range & ndash; more than 50 kilometers,

< li > Weight of the combat part & ndash; 3 & ndash; 5 kilograms,

< li > Price & ndash; unknown.

< h2 class = "Anchor-Link" dir = "ltr" id = "4" name = "4" > Mysterious “older brother” uas set

< p > Uas Seth drone is really very similar to “Shahaned”. This is due not to the attempt to copy Iranian development, but to banal laws of physics and aerodynamics that you do not argue with, because the triangular “shahad” form of fuselage is optimal for UAV.

~ ~ ~ > < P class = "insert cke-mackup" >In this case, the UAS SETH from the Pokrovsky direction has excellent stuffing and performs completely different tasks on the battlefield. < Br />0 ~ Br /> 62 ~ Therefore, if you need a comparison with Russian drones, then it is rather not “Shahhed”, but “Lancet”. This & ndash; Baraning ammunition, whose task is to destroy hostile equipment. But not just & hellip; Because weird miracles begin.

< p > On the night of March 11, UAS SETH took part in a massive plaque for Russia. By coincidence, this event came to the beginning of negotiations between Ukraine and the US in Jeddi.

< p > Ukrainian drone “illuminated” on video of the Russians and was shot down by the Razor-C1 SPGK missile allegedly in the Moscow region. The Russians called the drone ukro -hahed. It looks like it was a modification uas seth.

< P >< Strong > New Ukrainian Dron Kamikadze Similar to “Shahd”: Watch Video 0 ~/P > > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < p >< br />< br />< /p > < p >

< p >

< P > It is also impossible to exclude that it is not uas seth, but a really Ukrainian version of “Shahaneda” with a corresponding functionality of long -range drone.

< P class = "Insrt cke-markup" > The video of the Russians also shows that this drone is much larger than the same Uas Seth, which is armed in Azov. Therefore, it may be about two different developments. And why not be, because in themselves Shahd-136 & ndash; Not some pearl of modern engineering thought, but a copy of the IAI Harpy drone, which is a licensed copy of the German UAV Dar (die Drohne Antiradar), created in the 1980s of the last century. < p > But if it works and may not for all the money of the world “cringing”, as the Russians say, somewhere in the Moscow region, why wouldn't.

< p > It should be noted that with the task of creating a mass for the breakthrough of Russian air defense drone coped, because it crossed the front line, overcoming at least the first echelons of Russian anti -air defense, and then the Russians spent a valuable resource & ndash; Rocket for “shell-C1”, the cost of which is obviously much more expensive, and most importantly & ndash; For Russians, it is a limited and scarce resource whose recovery is questionable.

< p > what it was & ndash; Representatives of one drone family or radically different projects for different specificity ? There is no answer to this question. That's such an interesting “fog of war”.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116