Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and on paper

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Apr6,2024

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and paper< /p> How to grow seedlings at home/Collage Radio MAXIMUM

Growing seedlings is the first step to a rich harvest in your garden or summer cottage. And we'll share a few tips that will help you grow vegetables without too much trouble.

With the proliferation of alternative growing methods, such as the use of plastic bottles or snails, the seedling process is becoming more accessible to every gardener, regardless of plot size or experience. In this material Radio MAXIMUM will consider various methods of growing seedlings, their advantages and features, so that you can choose the most suitable one for you and achieve the best results in your garden.

Seedlings at home

  • Seedlings on toilet paper
  • Seedlings in egg trays
  • Seedlings in cassettes
  • Seedlings in snails
  • Seedlings in plastic bottles

Seedlings on toilet paper

Recently more and more people use a soilless method of germinating plants. One of the reasons for such popularity is that soil can be a source of various infections,such as black leg, fusarium or late blight, and the soilless method avoids this problem. Another significant advantage of this method is the saving of space, since not everyone has a large area for growing plants.

After germination, you can select the strongest sprouts for further planting and discard the weak ones. This is the general principle of growing any plants through seedlings, so usually 20-30% more seeds are sown than it is planned to grow plants.

Modern systems of mineral nutrition allow growing plants on almost any substrate, be it expanded clay, sawdust or even wet paper. Therefore, germinating seeds without soil is becoming more and more popular.

This method can be used to germinate seeds of various crops. However, it is best suited for plants that can be planted as sprouts, for example, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins or peas.

But for crops with a long seedling period, such as cabbage, tomatoes, peppers or eggplants, this method is less practical. They require early sowing, but cannot be planted as sprouts due to temperature conditions. Therefore, they have to be grown in pots with soil, which makes germination by the soilless method less effective.

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and on paper

How to arrange seedlings on toilet paper/Collage

< p>To germinate seeds without soil, you will need polyethylene tape, which can be cut from old greenhouse film. Unroll the polythene on a work surface, then spread a strip of toilet paper over it and moisten it.

Spread the seeds along the edge of the toilet paper, leaving a gap of about 1.5 to 2 centimeters from the edge. The distance between the seeds should be about 2 centimeters. Place another layer of paper on top of the seed and moisten it. Heat and moisture are the main conditions for seed germination.

Then carefully roll all the layers, starting with the edge where the last seed is located. In an upright position, place the roll in a narrow container with water at room temperature. The water should cover only the lower third of the roll, and the upper part with the seeds should remain above the water level.

At a temperature of 23 – 25 ⁰C the seeds will germinate within two weeks. > It is recommended to keep the roll near a warm battery. As soon as the sprouts appear, provide them with bright light and cool conditions (18 – 20 ⁰C) to avoid pulling out the plants.

When the first leaves appear, plants should be planted as soon as possible in open soil or in a seedling cup, because the reserves of nutrients in the cotyledons are exhausted.

Seedlings in egg trays

After you have used the egg tray, do not rush to get rid of it! During the season of planting seedlings, this tray can be a useful helper for you!In such a container, you can grow various crops such as radishes, greens, onions, as well as cucumber seedlings.

This is a profitable way of growing, because you do not need to buy a separate container for seedlings, you already have it. Each seed can be planted separately, which allows the plants not to compete with each other. When it's time to transplant the seedlings into the open ground, simply bury the tray with the plants. The paper will dissolve in it, and therefore will become fertilizer.

For planting, you need to make a hole under each egg for drainage and ventilation. It is also better to put the tray on a pallet or take a plastic tablet from under the eggs and insert a cardboard one into it. Then you can proceed to planting.

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and on paper

Seedlings in egg trays/Photo from open sources

If the seeds are small, you can use a toothpick to plant them. And if you are not sure about the type of seeds, you can plant a few and then pick the strongest sprouts.

Plastic egg trays can also be used for planting seedlings, but in in this case, you will have to transplant the plants into open ground. In addition, egg trays can be used for marking beds or for planting seeds.

Seedlings in cassettes

Today, more and more gardeners are switching to growing seedlings using the cassette method, and they are doing it for a reason.

Here are a few advantages of this method:

  • Stronger seedlings. Despite the small volume of each cassette, the plants grown in them are more alive and strong – almost 99% of them successfully take root after transplanting into the soil.
  • Less problems. Seedlings grown in cassettes do not need to be picked – this reduces the time and hassle associated with the growing process.
  • Prevention of diseases. Plants grown in cassettes are less prone to diseases, because the cassettes' surroundings ensure their isolation from the ground and other sources of possible infections.
  • Convenience and economy. The compact arrangement of the cassettes allows you to save space in greenhouses or on the windowsill, and also facilitates the care of plants.

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and paper

Seedlings in cassettes/Photos from open sources

Regarding the selection of cassettes, the assortment is quite large and includes cassettes from 21 to 128 cells. The size of the cell of the cassette should be chosen depending on the age of the seedling and its nutritional needs.

Features of growing seedlings by the cassette method include several important steps:

  1. Soil preparation. A universal peat zeolite substrate is used, which contains peat, perlite and zeolite, as well as nutrients. Some fertilizers are added directly during substrate preparation.
  2. Sowing seeds. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters, one seed per cell, sprinkled with a substrate, moistened and covered with a film or agrofiber to preserve moisture during germination.
  3. Temperature and water- air mode The temperature is maintained at the level of 25-30°C throughout the growing period. After the appearance of seedlings, the film is removed and the temperature is lowered to 16-18°C for 3-4 days. Later, the optimal temperature during the day is 20 – 25°C, at night – 16 – 18°C. The use of vermiculite helps keep the surface of the soil in the cassettes dry to prevent black leg damage to the seedlings.
  4. Watering and aeration. Cassettes are watered regularly, but not often, to avoid waterlogging. After watering, the room must be ventilated to create optimal conditions for the growth of seedlings.

By following these steps, you can ensure the successful cultivation of seedlings by the cassette method and get healthy and strong plants for further transplanting into the soil.

Seedlings in snails

Growing seedlings in snails is becoming an increasingly popular method among gardeners, especially those looking for simple and effective ways to optimize space and resources. This method has several advantages:

  • Rational use of space. Seedlings in snails allow you to optimally use the available space, especially when the window sill is already full.
  • Possibility of planting more plants. Thanks to the compact size of snails, you can plant more plants in a limited area.
  • Save on containers. There is no need to purchase special containers or greenhouses for seedlings, as snails can be made independently from available materials.
  • Gradual exposure to the sun. Seedlings in snails receive light gradually, which helps plants adapt after transplanting.
  • Minimum damage to the root system when diving. In snails, plant roots are not damaged by transplanting, which contributes to faster adaptation.

The process of planting seeds in snails includes the following steps:

Preparation of materials. Prepare in advance the substrate for seedlings, tape or twine to fix the snails, thick film or oilcloth, a spray bottle with water and plastic containers for placing the snails.
Creating a snail. Roll polyethylene or oilcloth into rolls, fill them with soil and sow seeds. Fix the rolls and install them in plastic containers with water.
Watering and care. After the emergence of seedlings, water them periodically and provide the necessary lighting.

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and paper

Seedlings in snails/Photo harbuz

Using snails for growing seedlings is a simple and effective way that allows you to make the most of available resources and get a healthy and strong plant seedlings.

Dipping of plants grown by the snail method is carried out with special attention to not damaging the root system and ensuring rapid adaptation of seedlings after transplanting.

The following materials are needed for the manufacture of diapers used for diving:

  • Polyethylene bags or pieces of cellophane about 15 by 20 centimeters in size.
  • Office erasers.
  • Soil for seedlings.

< p>Next steps in making diapers:

  • Pouring soil. Pour about 100 grams of soil on top of the cellophane or polyethylene bag.
  • Snail deployment. Unfold the snail and remove the seedling, positioning it so that the stem with leaves remains outside the diaper.
  • Pickling. Carefully sprinkle the roots of the seedling with a small amount of soil.
  • Diaper wrapping. Turn the bag or cellophane over, first turning up the bottom edge, then the sides. Fix the diaper with an elastic band.

After making the diapers, they can be installed in containers that are filled with water to ensure uniform absorption of moisture by the soil. Then the containers are covered with a film or glass and left in a warm and bright place for the seeds to germinate.

After the seedlings appear, the film can be removed and the seedlings can be grown in the usual way. This approach allows you to minimize stress for plants and provide them with comfortable conditions for growth and development.

Indeed, the method of growing seedlings in snails has many advantages and allows efficient use of limited space, providing comfortable conditions for plant growth. In addition, it does not require complex equipment and provides good conditions for the development of the root system of plants.

Regarding the care of seedlings in diapers, it is important to provide it with sufficient access to light, moisture and nutrients. Regular watering and feeding will help the plants grow healthy and strong. It is also important to control the temperature and humidity to avoid the spread of disease or wilting of the plants.

Snails can grow a wide variety of plants, from vegetables to flowers. Vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and eggplants, germinate well in this method. Snails are also ideal for growing annual ornamental flowers such as marigolds, verbenas, asters and many others. This growing method is universal and allows growing a variety of crops, providing them with optimal conditions for growth and development.

Seedlings in plastic bottles

Growing tomatoes in plastic bottles is an effective and economical way that allows you to provide plants with the necessary conditions for healthy growth. Here are some steps you can take to properly plant tomatoes in a bottle:

  • Preparing the bottles.Make holes in the sides and bottom of the bottle for ventilation and drainage. Then wrap the bottle with cling film to avoid evaporation of moisture from the soil.
  • Seed planting. Pour the soil into the bottle and plant the tomato seeds. Then add some more soil on top.
  • Watering. Water lightly to provide moisture for seed germination.
  • Care. Regularly check soil moisture and plant elongation. Grow the plants in a bright location with plenty of sunlight.
  • Transplanting. When the plants grow and are strong enough, they can be transplanted into the garden. Leave the bottle with the plant to create optimal growing conditions.

Seedlings at home: how to grow in snails, egg trays and on paper

Seedlings in a bottle/Screenshot from video

By following these steps, you can successfully grow tomatoes in plastic bottles and get a bountiful harvest.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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