< img src = "/uploads/blogs/ab/f0/ib-fqosepq85_237c6fc9.jpg" Alt = "scientists have created the most powerful laser ray in the world: how it will change electronics"/> ~ < P > Electronic ray has a peak current 5 times greater than any similar beam ever created.
< P > Researchers from the National Acceleration Laboratory SLAC have developed a new technology that uses laser formation instead of traditional microwave fields. The obtained laser electronic beam, which is more powerful than any other by 5 times, opens up new opportunities in astrophysics, quantum studies, electronics and accelerators, & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; interestingenGineering.com.
~ < p >Scientists used laser modulation to billions of electrons within the first 10 m of accelerator of 1 km long. After that, they have an important task & mdash; carefully transport the bundle without losing a carefully formed structure before its compression.< P > For months of trials and improvement of technology, the team successfully created high -energy electronic bundles that last only a few femtocconds (one quadrillion seconds) and have peak power at the level of petavat, which is about five times more than it was possible.
This innovative technology offers a new tool for scientific research. It will allow you to study natural phenomena more precisely than ever before. For example, in astrophysics, a powerful electronic bundle can be directed to solid or gas goals to simulate threads found in the stars. Scientists have long watched these threads in space but can now reproduce and study them in a controlled environment.< P > Other scientists have already started using this technology to improve the acceleration of the plasma quicker plasma field, which can lead to the creation of more compact and effective particle accelerators.
~ ~ ~ < P > there is also the potential of using these bundles to create attatoco -gunshots. These achievements can make a revolution in studies in quantum physics, chemistry and not only.< P > Due to this breakthrough experimental tests of advanced SLAC accelerators (FACET-II) are now positioned as a leading center for extreme experiments with electronic bundles.
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