The world of American television and cinema has sneaked into regret. < img src = "" alt = "condolences, screen youtube @slowtvrelaxbackground" styles = "background-color: rgba (26,16,9,1)" > < P > Mark Steven Dobies & Amp; Ndash; An actor known to viewers from the series & ampquo; Guiding Light & AMP; RDQO; i & one life to live & rdquo; & ndash; He died unexpectedly on March 11, 2025. He was only 65 years old. The news of his death was made public only eight days p & oacute; which only intensified the surprise and sadness of the fan & oacute; w.
< P >Although he was not a great Hollywood star, Mark was remembered by many as a man full of passion, modesty and extraordinary warmth. His screen charisma meant that even supporting roles were remembered, and privately he was a devoted father, a talented athlete and friend, who left the trail of & ndash; not only in the world of acting.
< p > & ndash; Mark lived a life full of passion, perseverance and love & ndash; She passed his family in an official announcement. For them he was more than just an artist & ndash; He was the heart of the house and a pillar of everyday life. < p > his death was moved by R & oacute; those who knew him outside the film set. Alan Locher, a former spokesperson of the & ampquo; Guiding Light & Amp; RDQO;, in his personal post mentioned the actor with emotion: < P >& ndash; I hate sharing this really sad and unexpected news. Mark left much too early. He was only 65 years old.< p > Locher's memory acquires exceptional intimacy by a surprising coincidence – Over the years, Dobiesa's family was Locher's neighbors. This is everyday closeness, children playing behind the fence, a familiar street.
< p > & ndash; His children and ex -wife, Linda, are still our neighbors & Amp; Ndash; He wrote Locher, emphasizing that a personal loss is mixed here with the artist's memory, which for years was part of his life & ndash; professional and private. < p > The death of Marek Steven Dobiesa is another painful farewell in the world of the film, which in recent months said goodbye to R & Amp; Oacute; Felicjan Andrzejczak and Stanisław Głowacz. The beginning of 2025 brings painful reflection on the passing of & ndash; also those who were with us almost every day through the screen.< p > His smile, energy and modesty will be remembered for a long time. Such will be remembered by & ndash; neighbors, friends, fans. And everyone who moved the oacute; even if only for a moment & ndash; on the screen. < br />< br />< /p > < p >< blockquote class = "instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink = "" Data-insgrm-verse = "12" Style = " Background: #fff; Border: 0; Border-radius: 3px; Max-Width: 540px; Min-Wedth: 326px; Padding: 0; Width: 99,375%; Width: -Webkit-Calc (100%-2px); width: calc (100% - 2px); ">