Recently, our family experienced a tragedy: our father died. It was a strange death, because he led a healthy lifestyle, didn't drink or smoke, and even went for a run in the morning.
He was walking down the street and collapsed from a heart attack. After the funeral, my mother asked my sister and me to give up our father's inheritance. After all, the garage and car need to be sold, the second apartment needs to be rented, and it's easier to do that when there's one owner, not three.
I told my husband about it:
– Are you crazy? Your father divided everything equally between you and your mother, why would you give up your share? You're not a stranger, you're his own daughter. – So I didn't even think twice about giving up my inheritance to my mother… it was the right thing to do, she got all this inheritance from my father, and I don't need it.
I've been living with my husband for four years. He has an apartment, he bought it before he married me. So it turns out I have nothing. My sister married very well, her husband is a wealthy businessman, but they live together with her husband's parents in a big house. The house is so big that there are days when they don't even see their parents.
All that was left was to wait for my sister to give her share. But she kept coming up with excuses not to come to the notary. She had urgent matters at work, a big family dinner, or a fever.
Almost two weeks passed and my mother called my sister for a face-to-face conversation. My sister said that it was her share and that she wasn't going to give anything back.
– Your sister did the right thing. She was smart, and you immediately agreed — said the husband.
– How could she? She is our mother.
– I don't understand your mother either… what a strange excuse that it is easier for one person to have a garage and a car? What does it matter that it is easier to sell and divide the money, why keep it for yourself? Your sister is one thing, but you have nothing of your own.
I didn't even think about it…
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