< Img src = "/Uploads/blogs/9a/CE/CE/IB-FR7C895T2_F4A499EAA.jpg" Alt = "Rushi & quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; The SBU turned to the parents' /> < p > recruiting Ukrainian children is a common phenomenon. Agents & nbsp; hostile special services & nbsp; more and more often try to use them as “tool” for terrorist attacks.
< P > About it & nbsp; reported & nbsp; Press Center of the Security Service of Ukraine.
< blockquote > < p >< Em > “now Russia is conducting purposeful hunting for children in social networks”, & nbsp; & mdash; Read in the message.
< p > In particular, curators promise teenagers “easy money for simple work.” For example, pick up the package in one place and take it to another. However, instead of the promised payment of hostile intelligence service remotely blast the explosives together with “Kur & Rsquo; Emer < P > The SBU turned to their parents, because quite often they do not even suspect that their child is in danger. It is necessary:
< Ul > < l > to explain to children that the proposals of “easy earnings” from strangers on social networks & mdash; This is a deadly trap;
< li > tell children about real tragedies that have already happened to their peers; < li > to disseminate this information among acquaintances who have adolescent children.
< p > also law enforcement officers gave two examples:
< Ul > < li > in Ivano-Frankivsk one teenager died and the other was left without feet after the enemy blew such a “package; < li > in Kharkiv region FSB used a 15-year-old guy as a suicide.