< img src = "/uploads/blogs/73/df/ib-FQB9LF9rn_ef0aa579.jpg" Alt = "Radiation Release in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: In the Ministry of Internal < p > in & nbsp; social networks are misinformation that & nbsp; nbsp; nbp; nbsp; three fire cells on & nbsp; Chernos; < p > in & nbsp; nbsp & nbsp; nbsp & nbsp; not & nbsp; to believe and & nbsp; not & nbsp; to help the enemy scales the next fake about radiation; occurred due to RF attack.
< p > & laquo; we report that & nbsp; specified information not & nbsp; reality. On & nbsp; NPP territories continues with & nbsp; elimination of the consequences of a Russian drone attack & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Note in & nbsp; ministry.
< P > Currently DESS & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; only 3 & nbsp; nbsp; roof insulation cells that were timely detected by & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; < P > Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center is constantly monitoring the level of radiation, and & nbsp; now it remains in & nbsp; limits.
< P > & laquo; no threats to the population no & raquo ;, emphasize all responsible agencies.
< p > they turned to & nbsp; citizens with & nbsp; a reminder of information hygiene and & nbsp; the need to trust only official sources of information.
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