< img src = "/uploads/blogs/62/e8/ib-fqjvhrl2t_cef7b271.jpg" Alt = "Pubg creators presented their new game, planned as a more realistic version of Minecraft"/~ 62 < p >
< P _ngcontent-serverApp-C86 = & ndash; Pubg, presented a new project that is designed to become a more realistic version of Minecraft.
< p >< p > Developers from Playerunknown Productions showed a new trailer for playing a huge open world that promises to be ruthless to gamers.
< p >
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > “The most difficult survival game”
< P > PlayerunkNown Productions set an ambitious target: to create a project called & nbsp; < strong > Artemis 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 game.
< p > for this purpose the next three studio games will & nbsp; < strong >“Self -sufficient projects, but at the same time blocks for its construction” & nbsp; and the first of them is < strong > & nbsp; prologue: go wheat!. < p > The game “will” you will light “and give” tools needed for survival “, as well as a map and compass that you can get to the ultimate goal & ndash; Meteorological stations nearby. Sounds as if just enough ?
< P > True, you will have to deal with snowfall, pouring rain and storms, navigate in solid darkness and give advice to hunger and all other “interests” < P > Eventually Developers claim that they tried to create & nbsp; < strng > “The most difficult survival game is as possible” , so walk light < strong >. 0 ~/p > < p >< strong > game trailer & ndash; Watch the video
< p >< strong >0 < iframe width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/embed/ki6h_wnuulu" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/Strong >0 ~/P > < P > PlayerunkNown Productions emphasize that they want to create huge unique cards of thousands of kilometers with “machine learning” and call Prologue: Go Wayback! & ndash; The first viable test of technology they created for this.
< P > You can test this game in early access mode already in 2025 with the previous price of $ 20.