< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/7b/0C/IB-FR02IRIRQ2U_EA2A6BBB1.jpg" Alt = "will provide energy of 15,000 houses: France will install unusual turbines underwater"/> < p > Purpose of the project & mdash; Install four horizontal-axial turbines in Normandy, which will supply 34 GWh annually to the French network by 2028.

< P > The world's most powerful submarines operating on inflows will provide electricity of 15,000 houses annually, about it & nbsp; written & nbsp; interestingenGineering.com.

~ < p >The project of NH1 of the French developer Normandie Hydroliennes has received funding of 31.3 million euros from the European Union Innovation Fund. The grant will accelerate the implementation of NH1, one of the first commercial pilot projects in France, which stimulates the use of marine renewable energy sources. The purpose of the project & mdash; Install four horizontal-axial turbines in Normandy that will supply 34 GWh annually to the French network by 2028.

< p > located in the Aldron Rice, NH1 will include four AR3000 turbines with 3 MW, which generate 33.9 GWh*h per year & mdash; It is enough to power 15,000 homes. The project that should start work at the end of 2027 proves that the tidal energy is a reliable and competitive renewable source.

< p >Proteus marine renewables, AR3000 turbines are the most powerful in the world tidal units and are competitive in cost in electricity production. Normandie Hydroliennes states that because it is produced in France and gathers at Efinor in Sherbur, the project emphasizes local experience, with 80% of its value comes from French suppliers. NH1 development is expected to create about 400 direct and indirect jobs.

< P > According to the company, recognition from the EU strengthens the viability and investment attractiveness of tidal energy, strengthening the France's renewable energy sector and its goals in the field of sustainable development by 2030.

~ ~ ~ < p >Climate change remains the biggest global problem of this generation. To combat Europe and France, ambitious mandates for 2030, aimed at accelerating the ecological and energy transition with a significant reduction of carbon emissions.

< p > In this change, renewable energy is crucial. Although solar and wind energy has reduced fossil fuel dependence, their unstable nature emphasizes the need for more reliable renewable energy sources. Using the gravitational attraction of the moon to create predicted ocean currents, tidal energy provides a reliable source of electricity.

< P > According to Ocean Energy Europe, tidal energy with unrealized potential up to 5 GW is the most important component of France's transition to renewable energy. It is expected that by 2030 its cost will be comparable to the cost of floating wind energy, which will make it a competitive part of the energy balance of the future. Tidal turbines are environmentally safe, have a slight effect on the marine environment and are easily disposed of after the life of the service.

< P > The tidal farms are fully immersed in water, which excludes any visual, acoustic and marine obstacles, unlike other renewable energy sources. In addition to environmental assistance, the industry strengthens the local economy that helps SMEs and medium business most.

< P > It is expected that by 2030 the tidal energy of France will create 6,000 new jobs that will strengthen the local economy and promote the country's energy independence.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116