< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/28/C5/IB-FQSKNDQBP_F7B27152.jpg" Alt = "Polish Developers presented the latest unmanned robotic robotic platform"/> < P > Poland has concluded a contract on & nbsp; the supply of mobile unmanned reconnaissance platforms & laquo; tarantul & raquo;. The Agreement is signed between the Ministry of National Defense of Poland and & Nbsp; a research institute of Lukasiewicz-PIAP, which specializes in & nbsp; nbsp; robotic systems, & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; defense expression.
The contract provides for the supply of 96 unmanned complexes with the ability to increase order to & nbsp; 130 units. In addition to the platforms themselves, to & Nbsp; transactions include kits for maintenance, testing and training operators. The cost of the contract is 50 million zlotys (about $ 12.98 million) that & nbsp; means approximate cost of one work in & nbsp; 135 thousand dollars.
~ ~ < blockquote > < p >< strong > main task & laquo; tarantulas & raquo; There will be intelligence in & nbsp; difficult conditions: off -road, urban areas and & nbsp; overcoming obstacles such as & nbsp; ladder. An important feature is the ability to transport complexes in & nbsp; landing compartments of military equipment and their mobility for use by one person. 0 ~/P > < P > Obabeks will be created on & nbsp; Fenix 2.0 PIAP platform base, which has already proven effective in & nbsp; pre -trials. It is worth noting that & nbsp; this & nbsp; not the first attempt of Poland to buy the following systems: yet & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; in 2015, an agreement was concluded with the Israeli company Roboteam, but the contract was terminated due to mismatch. < p > new order will be an important step in & nbsp; development of robotic military technologies of Poland and will increase the possibilities of its armed forces in & nbsp; intelligence; intelligence and & nbsp; nbsp;