Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

Choose the best poem for Teacher's Day!

Teacher's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of October. We know how to beautifully congratulate teachers on their professional holiday – poems will help you with this. Choose the best poem for your favorite mentor!

Poems for Teacher's Day will delight teachers on their professional holiday, which in 2024 falls on October 6, although it is celebrated on the Friday before that. Remember that on this day, mentors do not need expensive gifts, but they will definitely be happy to hear a beautiful poem.

We have collected for you beautiful poems for teachers, as well as humorous and funny rhyming lines about teachers. Choose the most suitable poem and learn more words!

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day

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There is a profession in the world –
To give the heart to children!
A teacher's heart is boundless,
No matter how he cuts it.

That is why a teacher is worthy of respect.
Yes, love and respect
For the hard work
And for the fact that I am growing!

Let patience be enough
To pass on the skills to us.
And for your work, your children
Sincerely give you flowers!


Teacher! Counselor and friend!
You have chosen a difficult path.
We thank you very much today
For your work, teacher's day! ,
To those who give us wings every day,
To those who opened our thirst for knowledge
To those whose work is hard, not easy,
To those whose good word sprouts,
To those who revealed the sciences to us, congratulations
Our festive and sincere congratulations!


Teacher! How much strength is needed,
To teach us all,
And patience, and desire,
And hope, and hope.

Our teacher is the best in the world,
He will help in a minute hard,
And let there be only smiles and flowers,
He will find on his way.


Not everyone can be a teacher ,
Not every heart can speak…
A teacher is only one who knows how to listen,
To protect, teach and love.

To warm a fragile soul with caress
And to sow a field with kindness,
To love the whole world infinitely, sincerely
And to children to give everything.


October is generous with autumn colors
Teacher's Day is a holiday!
To the great Osvityanska family< br> Ditvora sends a warm greeting!
Today everyone is extremely beautiful,
So shine the sun on us, be happy!
These meetings with you are interesting, willing,
So that the teacher's eyes shone like stars,
And the students at school worked for glory,
And the state valued your work more!


Without natural sciences
There is no way for us to live,
So chemistry and biology
We promise to teach.
History and geography
Opens up worlds to us,
And this helps
Surely to go through life.
All knowledge gained is important –
They will agree later on Earth.
For the fact that you are kind to us and patient,
Thank you, dear teachers.
For your kindness, sensitivity and care,
For lifting us up on the wings,
For daily, painstaking work
Thank you, dear teachers!

A beautiful poem about the teaching profession

On the first Sunday of October
You have a professional holiday.
We came here today
We warmly congratulate you.

The teacher is our conscience,
There is only one role model in life.
Without him, the story of life
Is not written in a person.

He doesn't have his own time,
His life is only school.
A teacher is friendly classes
With joys and pain.

From the first educational steps
To graduation and certificate
Eleven long years
For us, you are like moms and dads.

You are soulful, fair,
And with this you won us over;
Sensitive to our problems,< br>Although you have many of your own.

So let the day be cloudless
You have a beautiful holiday.
You work not in vain,
And you can celebrate.

And we, your pupils,
So that your smile does not fade,
We will study better,
Without deuces – this is our slogan.

Today we sincerely congratulate you
We bring you from with love.
Live in goodness and peace!
May there be good health!

May all your days be bright!
Never know trouble!
May will be the best in the world
Our favorite school!

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

Good words about the teacher

My teacher is so similar to my mother,
She is just as friendly and so kind,
I learn to live from her, I look up to her I,
She is a bright star of the land of knowledge!

And shines on us, and warms, and teaches the mind,
We are all warmed by her love,
And the boy is naughty, and the girl is gentle –
Because we are the most precious in the world for her.

My teacher, thank you for being you,
School life becomes sunny with you,
In young to my heart, you are like a star of gold,
My teacher, my love is holy.

There is silence in the classroom when you speak,
Because your speech flows like a stream,
And I want to fly to unknown worlds,
Where a periwinkle fate awaits us.

Thank you, dear, for a heart of gold,
For wisdom, for care and patience,
Sown by you with love, it will sprout ,
Because those sprouts are from good seeds.

A poem for a primary school teacher

Like a mother to children,
Like the sun to flowers,
She rushed to class.
And beautiful, and dear,
And sweet, and quiet
My first teacher!..
Kinder than a fairy,
Sweeter than a dream,
She is brighter than the sun!..< br> The only one in the world,
One in the heart –
My first teacher!

Poem for the first teacher

Primers and reading books,
Desks in two rows.
Our first teacher
In my heart forever.
Sporysheva path,
A grid path,
That led us
Back in the first grade.

The sun is bright bunnies
It pours through the windows.
Fingers crush the chalk
Sticks write.
We read well –
The teacher smiles.
And if someone doesn't know –
She frowns.

How many riddles have we solved
With her!
How many have we read
Poems and fairy tales!
On the native side
On a fine day
We walked through the forest
Into the crimson forest.

Our first teacher
She will teach others.
She hands them primers and reading books.
Sporysheva path,
Mesh path,
Others for the first time
She took them to class.

Poetry about the first female teacher

We conducted maneuvers —
We tested our nerves.
The teacher passed the test —
She found the key to each one.

We must admit to everyone directly,
That she, like a real mother:
And he will support, and he will make a fuss,
He will sort out the problems in an instant.

We became bigger and bigger,
Smarter every year,
And our teacher
She united a friendly class!

Let the sun laugh at her
But everything in life works out.
We will learn it in time
The most important lesson!

There is no better teacher —
Each of us knows this well.
So we congratulate her
In these holiday clear days!

Thanks to the first teacher

Although the summers pass, although the summers pass,
But for us, as then, you are still young.
Do not forget the time when we entered the first grade,
How we saw you for the first time that day.

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Smile is so sincere, a gentle touch of the hand.
You are a mentor for us, we are all first graders .
You were kind to us and taught us so,
So that we knew the first letter and sign well…

We want to confess to you at this time:
Our dear teacher, we love you!


Poem to the class teacher

We have a class teacher,
Who is like a mother to us.
He is used to us as we are,
And loves us all in the same way.
All the years lead to life,
Teaches to respect and be friends.
And takes us to the future,
To live in the world and create.
We are also grateful for science,
And when we leave school
We will be real people
And we will never let you down!
Thank you, dear teachers,
An earthly bow to our native school.
You are all the best on earth!
For this, we are very grateful to fate!< /p>


We love your interesting lessons. br> Because the slanderers sprinkle thickly with pepper.

And then the guilty eyes blink,
And the teacher's honor is fiercely defended.
And the teacher is a real torch of knowledge
He also conscientiously draws them every day,

So that the students catch every word
He has many interesting things ready.
Seven boxes are needed, like a circus performer,
So that the student does not give a “runaway” from the lesson .

Let the word of the teacher always be
Holy and pure on earth,
Let the great and the small go to it, as to the truth!

For the teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature

My best word is about the teacher,
As about a person given to everyone by God,
Because all good shines so sincerely in the heart,
Both polite and naughty children.

Teaches to love the Ukrainian language
And respect our native word,
Weave wreaths from songs and do good,
And always rejoice at children's successes.

Intelligent, sincere and friendly,
Spring and joy always bloom in the soul,
And a great fire cannot be extinguished,
Life is lit by it.

You learn to overcome various difficulties ,
And it's a holiday for everyone to remember,
Where do you live, and that the earth is one.
You instill faith in the beautiful in the child!

For the mathematics teacher

Mathematicians taught us
So that we could calculate everything:
What to multiply and what to divide
And how to live in a complicated world.
We need to multiply love,
Share joy randomly,
Here sincerity and generosity – to add,
And to take away evil from the heart.
And if we start to do so,
Then we will live correctly:
Wonderful, healthy and clear.
Everything will be the same in we are beautiful.
We are grateful to the teachers for this.
From us, we bow down to you!

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

The first teacher deserves respect

Funny poems for Teacher's Day

A funny poem about the profession of educators

Teaching is a heroic profession!
Don't believe it? Do you think it's fun?
But it's harder than plowing, fighting
And building! A knife to blow up a bridge or rails!
A knife to deal with a mad lion in Africa!
A knife to deal with cracked ice in the Arctic!
We wish you a lot of patience, teacher!
And we will test it, no doubt.

Joking words about English teachers

“Hello”, “bonjour” we are glad to hear,
Even if you stay a little bit foreigners,
And, “maybe”, they learned their lesson,
“Oh hope”, there will be a call.
And how to read “made” or “made”,
On chocolate labels ,
Foreign teachers teach,
With us there is little trouble.
Because often used words,
As we say, “mani” means money,
And “gud” means good, “bad ” – bad,
And “night” means night, and “moning” means morning,
“Hallow” means hello, “goodbye” means goodbye,
“Rimembe” means “remember”,
They left us in our heads,
We often use them ourselves.
And the rest is hard to teach us:
Past and future tense,
All strange verb forms.
Difficult and foreign language.
I wish you patience with us,
May it not pass with the years
Health and cheerful disposition,
And luck meets you.

Short poetry for a chemistry teacher

Your subject very relevant,
It is especially popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
When we are floating in the clouds.
Please forgive us –
The chemical process in the brain…

For biology teachers

From amoeba to man,
Let's study nerves and cells,
Genus, family, family, class,
Biologists torture us.
Evolution of life –
This science is not easy,
But every minute is interesting,
Because the lessons are news.
They reveal to us the secrets
About the animals of the planet Earth.
It may seem easy to you all
Understand our knowledge,
It's not easy – the teacher knows,
The one who teaches biology.

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

Humorous poem about the school principal

On this bright, cheerful holiday
Congratulations to the school principal!
We want to wish you
Never scold teachers,
Increase their salary!
Do not scold students,
It is better to praise more often!
And be the happiest!

Original thanks to the class teachers

For you, for your work as a mentor,
Partly tamer –
Class teacher
We say thank you!

Thank you for the correct sentences,
And competent writing of the negative part
For the works of Lesya and Sheva
For you, I bow before the earth.

Thank you for botany,
Valence and organic,
For the current and for the mechanics
Thanks again to you!

We hope you have forgiven
For taking the Bastille,
It was much easier than investing
Any knowledge we have is hopeless!

Funny poems about a teacher

If there was no teacher,
It wouldn't be , probably,
Neither a poet, nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare, nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
The undiscovered Americas
Would remain undiscovered .
Without his kind heart
We would not know anything,
That is why we value
the name of our teacher!


Teacher! Your work is painstaking,
With what other difficulties can you compare?
You are like a sower over a field,
You nurture a priceless harvest!
You are like a pioneer,
You lead the youth for life,
You are in tons of knowledge, like a prospector,
You will find a crumb of gold!

Cheerful address of children to teachers

If you look at the path traveled,
Compliments and sentiments
We did not spoil you at all.
We so-and-so, vicious,
We grieve you without end.
But under this rough shell
Grateful hearts beat.
Above the turret above our oak
Having worked hard, fought more than once,
You with your persistent love
You turned a strong oak into a diamond.
And of course, with your efforts
Our properties, both these and those
Shined with different facets
Sorry, in all the nakedness.
We will neither flatter nor please,
We will not beg for anything,
If it seems to you that we are carrying nonsense,
You created us, so we have nothing to do!

Poems about teachers for Teacher's Day – the best greetings in Ukrainian

Congratulate teachers with nice words!

Send your teachers a greeting video: