< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/C5/C5/IB-FQ4Muldrp_7C6FC931.jpg" Alt = "Physicists revealed an unknown quantum state of matter: This will change technology"/> ~ ~ ~ < P > Scientists believe that their discovery will help in developing more efficient electronic devices as well as in superconducting.

< p >Graphen, also known as a miracle material, continues to amaze physicists. This time they found in this material a strange new quantum state of matter. In particular, physicists have found special topological electronic crystals in the layers of twisted graphene. The new discovery confirms the assumption of how electrons should behave when they are locked in crystalline structures and can help to create new electronic devices, as well as in the study of superconductivity at room temperature. The study is published in Nature, writes & nbsp; interesting Engineering.

< P > According to scientists, two layers of graphene, consisting of carbon atoms, arranged in the form of honeycombs were used for their research. The way electrons move between carbon atoms determines the electrical properties of graphene, which eventually becomes similar to more common conductors such as copper. Usually electrons in graphene move freely, so it becomes similar to known conductors.

< p >When physicists twisted one of the layers of Graphen, a so -called mowar pattern emerged, where some carbon atoms from both layers were perfectly aligned, but others were shifted. When the electrons passed through this twisted structure, their behavior changed completely. Electrons were strongly slowed down and sometimes created a kind of vortices.

< P > This behavior led to a strange electronic effect. Inside the graphine, the electrons were frozen in place, forcing it to act as an insulator. But along the edges of the material, the electrons moved effortlessly, allowing electricity to flow without resistance.

< P > Usually, when electrons are solidified in place, this structure is called the Wigner crystal. But in this case, the rotational motion of electrons led to the creation of paradoxical behavior of topological electron crystal, which is not observed in Wigner's crystals.

< p >This unusual quantum state of matter allows electric current to flow smoothly along the edges of the material, whereas the inner part of it remains unconduced because the electrons are stuck in place.

< p > topological objects & mdash; These are forms and spaces that do not change, even if stretched, twisted or deformed without cutting or bonding. An example of a topological object is the mebius tape. Whatever you try to manipulate the ribbon, you will not be able to unwind it back into a regular loop without breaking it into pieces, say physicists.

< p > Materials having a topological landscape have a supernatural ability to remain unlike exposure to external factors.

< P > Topological electronic crystals are very special. In these unique crystals, electrons move very stable, regardless of the presence in the material of small defects. They make them special that their stability is caused by the internal structure of the material rather than external influences such as temperature or pressure.

< P > But such crystals are very rare because only certain materials have the correct arrangement of atoms to maintain electron topological behavior.

< P > According to physicists, this discovery can help create more efficient electronic devices as well as quantum computers and will be useful for survey at room temperature.

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Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116