< img src = "/uploads/blogs/bd/ce/ib-fqk8ii1pgn_f7b27152.jpg" Alt = "Pentagon head ordered US Cyber ​​Command to stop all activities against Russia"/> < P > Defense Minister Pete Hegset last week ordered the US cyber team to abandon all plans against Russia. Is also about offensive cyberattacks.

< P > reports it 24 Channel with reference to The Record. The relevant media data provided three sources aware of this issue.

< h2 class = "News-Subtitle CKE-MarkUp" > What is known about the cancellation of US cyberattack against Russia

< p > According to interlocutors, Hegset submitted the instruction to the chief of cyber team of the USA, General Timothy Hou, who then informed the former director of the Cyberoperatives, Major-General of the Corps Ryan Khruitja, Major General Russia.

< p >The order of the Pentagon Head does not apply to the National Security Agency, which also heads the HOU or his intelligence work aimed at Russia, reported sources.

< p > Although the full volume of Hegset Directive remains unclear, this is another proof of the White House efforts to normalize relations with Moscow after the US and international allies worked on the Kremlin's isolation through its invasion of Ukraine in 2022

The exact duration of Hegsset's order is unknown, although the cyber team was said that it would continue to act in the foreseeable future.

< P > The consequences of Hegest's instructions for cyber team personnel are unknown. If it concerns its digital soldiers concentrated in Russia, only hundreds of people, including members of approximately 2,000 cyber -national and cybernetic missions, will affect the decision. In total, they consist of 5,800 armed forces divided into groups that conduct offensive and defense operations in cyberspace. It is believed that a quarter of offensive units is focused on Russia.

< p > In addition to internal calls, the order may disrupt some of the most famous command missions with the participation of the main digital opponent of the United States & ndash; Russia. American cyber -specialists conducted their operations with Ukraine.

< P > In addition, the termination order can be exposed to the private sector in the US and all over the world at a greater risk if the command is not kept at the intelligence distance and military services of Moscow, which work infamous hacker groups. < Br /> 62

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116