< img src = "/uploads/blogs/9f/21/iB-1imnueit9_2a1b5e2a.jpg" Alt = "Pavel Durov declared 1 billion Telegram users and criticized WhatsApp"/~ 62 < p > In April 2024, the manager and owner of the Telegram Pavel Durov assumed that in 2025 the number of messenger users would exceed 1 billion people. Today he reported in his du Rove & Rsquo; S Channel, that this bar & Rsquo; ER has already been overcome: the number of active users per month has exceeded 1 billion. This makes Telegram a second most popular application for exchange of messages in the world < p > on this occasion Durov posted a post:
< p >< Em >& laquo; ahead of us only WhatsApp & mdash; Cheap, diluted Telegram imitation. For many years, they have desperately tried to copy our innovations, burning billions of lobbying and PR campaign to slow us down. They failed. Telegram has grown, became profitable and, unlike our competitor, retained its independence. And we are just starting & raquo;.
< P > According to Durov, the messenger demonstrates a steady increase in user activity. On average, each user opens the app 21 times a day and spends 41 minutes in it. The company's profit for 2024 was $ 547 million
< P > Telegram, which has only been working on a constant basis, has gained huge popularity over the past few years and has become a key tool for communication for governments, officials, journalists and citizens in conflict areas. Service is actively used for both official messages and news and emergency information.
< P > now Telegram pays much attention to improving the moderation system and implementing artificial intelligence mechanisms to prevent potential threats. However, according to Durov, the company does not seek to limit freedom of speech:
< p >< Em > & laquo; if users do not cross red lines, we should not control how they express their thoughts. Otherwise we run the risk of slipping to authoritarianism & raquo;.
< p > thus Telegram not only retains its independence and growth rate, but also actively implements innovations while remaining a free communication site.