< img src = "/uploads/blogs/3c/09/ib-FR423lcrn_7127854d.jpg" Alt = "Pavel Durov can integrate into Telegram Si-Bot Ilona Mask Grok"/~ 62 < p > Pavel Durov hinted at X for integration in Telegram of the text generative neural network Ilon Mask.
< p > How it became known that at the end of December 2024 the social network & nbsp; < strng > ^ Ilona Mask & nbsp; x opened with all-us. Chatbot issues answers to text requests faster than Chatgpt, can generate high quality photos and work with code.
< p > and now & nbsp; < strng > Pavel Durov & nbsp; nbsp; hinted in x for integration in Telegram Telegram neuro -~ ~ ~ AMP; Mask .
< p > afterwards, users found a bot & laquo; grok & raquo;, which is official. However it has no ticks from Telegram.< P > Bot allows users to expand and free to communic < p > The used model gives the answers not as unfolded or not quite correct as the original chatbot grok in x.