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Original congratulations on the Day of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Natasha Kumar By Natasha Kumar Apr11,2024

Original congratulations on the Day of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Day of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine/Collage of Radio MAXIMUM

In Ukraine, April 12 is also celebrated as the Day of Rocket and Space Industry Workers. The holiday was dedicated to the first manned flight into space in 1961. Radio MAXIMUM has collected the best holiday greetings in prose, poems and pictures.

We note that this holiday is celebrated in Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 230/97 of March 13, 1997. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance, because this day also marks the International Cosmonautics Day – the flight of man into space. Do not forget to congratulate your friends and loved ones on the Day of the rocket and space industry workers, and Radio MAXIMUM will help you with this!

  • Short greetings
  • Greetings in prose
  • Greetings in verse
  • Free postcards and pictures

Short greetings

Happy holiday, colleagues from the rocket and space industry! May your achievements always be at the top!


I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry! Your contribution to the development of space technologies inspires us all.


Happy Space Exploits Day, dear colleagues! I wish you new achievements and success in the vast expanses of space!


Congratulations on the holiday, dear friends from the rocket and space industry! May your projects always be in the orbit of success!


I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Space Industry Workers! I wish you always have stars in your palms and conquer new horizons!


Congratulations on the holiday, colleagues! May your research reveal the secrets of the universe to us and bring the fruits of great discoveries!


Happy Rocket Science Day, dear friends! I wish you inexhaustible energy and creative inspiration in your work.


Congratulations on the holiday, employees of the space industry! May your efforts always be appreciated and celebrated.


Congratulations on the Day of Space Achievements! I wish you health, strength and new victories in your noble cause!


Congratulations on the holiday, fellow cosmonauts! May your every flight be safe, and every departure be the first step to the stars!

Original congratulations on the Day of workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Greetings in prose

Dear employees of the rocket and space industry! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! Your dedication and professionalism not only take our country to new heights in space, but also bring us closer to the greatness of the universe. May your every day be filled with exciting discoveries and successes, and may your dreams always come true!


Happy Day of rocket and space workers, dear colleagues! Your fearlessness and courage in exploring the unknown is highly commendable. Every launch is a step towards the future, which you are making not only for yourself, but also for the whole world. I wish you endless energy, creative inspiration and great victories in your noble cause!


Congratulations on the Day of Space Exploits, dear friends! Your work lays the foundation for a future where space becomes accessible to everyone. You are the real pilots of the new age, who open the door to the unknown for us. I wish you good health, inspiration and a victorious flight into space!


I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, employees of the rocket and space industry! Your work is a breeding ground for ideas and technologies that change the world. You are real space explorers who make a huge contribution to the development of science and technology. I wish you further achievements, discoveries and success in your difficult but exciting business!


Happy Space Industry Workers' Day, dear colleagues! Your work is an example of skill and high professionalism that made our country famous all over the world. May your every step forward be filled with faith in your own strength and the support of colleagues, and every success be another step towards the stars!


Happy Rocket Science Day, dear friends! Your work is a significant contribution to the development of national and world cosmonautics. You are true pioneers who open new horizons for our society. I wish you to always remain alert, creative and persistent in achieving your goals!


Happy Space Achievement Day, dear employees of the rocket and space industry! Your efforts and stubbornness change the world forever, making it better and safer for future generations. May each of your successes be a reward for endless work and dedication!


Congratulations on the holiday, fellow cosmonauts! Your courage and bravery deserve the highest praise and gratitude from all of us. You are real heroes who bravely step into the unknown, opening up new horizons and opportunities for us. I wish you good health and an inexhaustible supply of courage in further journeys through the stars!


I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of employees of the rocket and space industry, dear colleagues! Your achievements and inventions become showcases of our science and technology around the world. You are the real highways of communication between our planet and space. I wish you health, strength and further victories in your difficult but exciting business!


Happy Space Discovery Day, dear friends! Your work opens up new opportunities and perspectives for us, making the world brighter and more interesting. May your every day be filled with faith in your own strength and inspiration for new achievements!

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Poetry greetings

To the cosmic heights you strive
Every day,
People respect you
Relatives rejoice,
Because the closest to the stars
You are from all of us.
We welcome you now
In this starry time.

***< /p>

To be gilded with star ears
Cosmic field, joined by hands
Tireless dreamers – living legends-ears,
That space and time are conquered by thoughts.
And your work to find recognition< br> In the wisdom of future generations –
Was a signpost for the unity
of the children of the Earth and the universe of creatures!


In aviation and cosmonautics,
Strong and brave men are serving,
All are handsome, as if for selection,
It is clear that they have passed the correct selection.
Happy Cosmonautics and Aviation Day, guys, congratulations,
We wish you to stay at the height for a long time,
Let the weather does not upset you,
May luck meet you often.


New planets, stars and galaxies beckon,
Rockets are launched on the day of cosmonautics,< br> Greetings from the sky with a shooting star,
May fate grant you many miracles.
We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
We wish you happiness, peace and goodness,
May your dreams always come true,
May heights beckon you in dreams and waking life.


You have overcome earthly gravity,
And outer space has been conquered,
Only you can make such a discovery,
Only you are full of enthusiasm, energy and strength.
Congratulations on the day of aviation and cosmonauts,
We sincerely wish you successful flights,< br> May happiness always smile at you,
May fate generously reward you.


To the sun in the sky you fly
And you are not afraid to fall.
Cosmonauts and pilots –
There is no more dangerous work!
We praise your courage,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!


I wish to meet an alien in space,< br> For interplanetary communication to begin.
For him to reveal all his secrets
And as a guest, he called the planet to his own.
But as families, so that you would be friends
And live in friendship and harmony!

Free postcards and pictures

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Original congratulations on the Day of the workers of the rocket and space industry of Ukraine

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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