< Img SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/26/Fe/IB-FR333AKGU0_40DF4A49.jpg" Alt = "NVIDIA will create new" personal supercomputers "with si-what about them is known"/~ 62 < p > nvidia announced a new line & laquo; personal supercomp & Rsquo; RSquo with artificial intelligence & raquo; We tell you when the computer; RSQUO; FRILLS will be available for everyone.

< p >< strng > that happened 0 ~/p > < p > at the GTC 2025 exhibition NVIDIA announced a new line & laquo; personal supercomp & Rsquo; RSQUO; Grace Blackwell on the basis of Chip Platform. Jensen Juang, founder and CEO of a semiconductor company, introduced two new machines: DGX Spark (previously called Project Digits) and DGX Station.

~ < p >Comp & Rsquo; Auters will allow users to modify the si, namely:

< Ul > < li > Create prototypes;

< li > to finalize and run models AI of different sizes.

< p > The company now has a whole line of computer; Rsquo; RSQUO; from small, tiny to workstations. Currently, DGX Spark provides up to 1000 trillions of operations per second in artificial intelligence computing with & nbsp; chip & nbsp; GB10 Grace Blackwell. As for DGX Station, it is equipped with a nvidia gb300 grace blackwell Ultra Desktop and has 784 GB Pam & Rsquo;

< h2 class = "wp-block-glading" > why is it interesting

< p > ces 2025 & mdash; Annual Conference of Consumer Technology, conducted in Las Vegas. & nbsp; large technological companies compete with each other for the best and more interesting inventions with artificial intelligence.

< P > It is reported that the computer is already available DGX Spark, and DGX Station will be released later this year through manufacturers, including Asus, Boxx, Dell, HP and & nbsp; Lenovo. < < p > In addition to artificial intelligence, robotics and transport remain in the CES, for example, NVIDIA & nbsp; presented & nbsp; a new model of Humanoid work Groot N1. Groot N1 is & laquo; common & raquo; a model learned both synthetic and real data. The robot has & laquo; two -system architecture & raquo; for & laquo; rapid and slow thinking & raquo;, inspired by human cognitive processes.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my natasha@thetimeshub.in 1-800-268-7116