In the world of show business, where relationships often do not stand the test of time, Kajra and Sławomir are a unique example of harmony, partnership and mutual understanding. < img src = "" alt = "Sławomir I Kajra/Instagram @Sławomir" styles = "background-color: rgba (132,101,91,1)" > < p > in the program & ampquo; Hello here polsat & rdquo; The couple revealed the backstage of their daily lives & ndash; full work, interspat passions and … tenderness on the stage.

< p > Although they occur together, they are on and working almost 24 hours a day, they are not fed up with their presence. On the contrary, & ndash; As they admitted in an interview with Katarzyna Cichopek and Maciej Kurzajewski & Amp; Ndash; Closeness is their strength.

< P >& ndash; Diligence and the fact that we are working on material together, this is our strength & ndash; Sławomir said without hesitation. The artist emphasized that the interspat of the TW & oacute; and commitment to every detail & oacute; are what they merge not only as a music duo, but also as marriage.

< p > In turn, Kajra indicated that the foundation of every relationship is a conversation. As she revealed, just communication, listening to each other and mutual understanding make everyday life simpler.

< p > & ndash; We have come to such a “clue” that we came to, is above all a conversation. To get along, listen to each other and hear what the other person m & wi & ndash; The artist confessed.

< p > Interestingly, although their calendar is filled with concerts and work, they can find a space for themselves. In their case, the stage does not divide & ndash; she connects.

< p > & ndash; At the concerts we have the opportunity to cuddle and dance, because we don't go to parties privately. And since we play concerts every week, we play on the stage & ndash; We are danced & ndash; Kajra laughs.

< p > Of course, as in every relationship, it is R & oacute; R&MP; Oacute; Harm. As Sławomir & AMP; NDASH argues; It is these contrasts that allow them to complement.

< p > & ndash; Kajra is a temperamental woman, and I bring a spok; added the singer.

< p > their story moves, inspires and proves that the relationship & ndash; Even in the light reflector & oacute; w & ndash; It can be real, strong and full of mutual respect. Kajra and Sławomir once again showed that you can live together, work together and … make love every day more and more.

< p >< br />< Strong > see, as we wrote about in recent days: Robert Lewandowski with injury. What next with the health of the captain

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116