>> Pool on the surface of the East River/Luxigon, Family New York
A pool on the surface of the East River will be launched in Manhattan. It will have an area of 186 m² and will work as a water filtration plant, purifying about a million gallons of river water every day.
The water will be filtered in three stages and disinfected without the use of chemicals: after that it will be suitable for swimming. by beach standards. designboom writes about this.
Testing of this system will begin in August, and the pilot project will be launched in 2025. They worked on the development for about 10 years and have already patented it.
The pool will also be adapted for people: they will be able to use it for swimming, recreation, water sports and children's entertainment. In total, local authorities are allocating $16 million to the project. This is the largest investment in similar projects since the 1930s.
Swimming pool on the surface of the East River/Luxigon, Family New York
It is interesting that in New York they plan to introduce mandatory composting of food scraps, food-contaminated paper, and yard waste. It will become mandatory from April 2025. As a result, they want to remove all recyclable materials and organic waste from New York's landfills by 2030.
Swimming pool on the surface of the East River/Luxigon, Family New York