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Nano-Droons of Black Hornet acknowledged that Ukraine helped improve their technologies

< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/9d/65/IB-FQRRKNFUH_7B271523.jpg" Alt = "Nano-Drones of Black Hornet acknowledged that Ukraine helped improve their technologies"/~ 62 < H2 Data-Start = "99" Data-End = "288" > Company & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "108" Data-end = "123" Nano-Narons & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "161" Data-End = "175" > Black Hornet , studies the experience of using its products in Ukraine and implements new technologies based on the data obtained.< P Data-Start = "290" Data-End = "569" > At the end of February 2024 & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "318" Data-end = "333" Flir & nbsp; received a contract from the Bundesver for the supply of reconnaissance nano-pones & nbsp; < Em Data-Start = "408" Data-End = "424" > Black Hornet 4 & nbsp; for the German army. The agreement is designed for two years, and already in the third or fourth quarter of this year Bundesver will begin the deployment of these drones.

< H4 Data-Start = "571" Data-End = "630" > Ukrainian experience helped to improve Black Hornet ~ < P Data-Start = "632" Data-end = "897" > in conversation with edition & nbsp; < em data-Start = "653" Data-end = "667" > zona Militar & nbsp; Senior Director Niels Haeger. He noted that the company is now focused on improving the software and emphasized the importance of Ukrainian experience in the war:

< Blockquote Data-Start = "899" Data-end = "1013" > < P Data-Start = "901" Data-end = "1013" > & ldquo; we have learned a lot in Ukraine, for example, target capture, scanning schemes and radio missions & RDQUO; < P Data-Start = "1015" Data-end = "1131" > This confirms that combat application & nbsp; < em data-Start = "1054" Data-end = "1068" > Black. Hornet & nbsp; Ukraine influenced further development and upgrades of drones.

< P Data-Start = "1015" Data-End = "1131" >< Iframe Width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P > < H4 Data-Start = "1133" Data-End = "1183" > Development Black Hornet 4 and plans for the future

~ < P Data-Start = "1185" Data-end = "1341" >The fourth version & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "1201" Data-end = "1215" > Black Hornet & nbsp; was officially represented in October 2023 after eight years of development. It became heavier but received a number of improvements:

< Ul Data-Start = "1342" Data-end = "1498" > < Li Data-Start = "1342" Data-End = "1393" >< Strong Data-Start = "1344" Data-end = "1359" Image,

< Li Data-Start = "1394" Data-End = "1442" >0 ~ ~ Strong Data-Start = “1396” Data-End = “1410” > Thermal Imper conditions,

< Li Data-Start = "1443" Data-End = "1498" >< Strong Data-Start = "1445" Data-End = "1472" speed.

< P Data-Start = "1500" Data-End = "1636" > According to Haagerunda, the company considers the possibility of developing P & Rsquo; a version of drone, but this can happen no earlier than 5-7 years. < H4 Data-Start = "1638" Data-End = "1678" > scale production of Black Hornet ~ < P Data-Start = "1680" Data-End = "1870" > as of today & nbsp; < em data-Start = "1699" Data-end = "1714" ~ 62 Flir & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; < strong Data-Start = "1731" Data-End = "1744" > 33 Thousands & nbsp; nano-goals & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "1757" Data-End = "1771" > Black Hornet & nbsp; in & nbsp; < strong data-start = "1774" data-end = "1792" > 45 countries of the world

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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