< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/9d/65/IB-FQRRKNFUH_7B271523.jpg" Alt = "Nano-Drones of Black Hornet acknowledged that Ukraine helped improve their technologies"/~ 62 < H2 Data-Start = "99" Data-End = "288" > Company & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "108" Data-end = "123" Nano-Narons & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "161" Data-End = "175" > Black Hornet , studies the experience of using its products in Ukraine and implements new technologies based on the data obtained.< P Data-Start = "290" Data-End = "569" > At the end of February 2024 & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "318" Data-end = "333" Flir & nbsp; received a contract from the Bundesver for the supply of reconnaissance nano-pones & nbsp; < Em Data-Start = "408" Data-End = "424" > Black Hornet 4 & nbsp; for the German army. The agreement is designed for two years, and already in the third or fourth quarter of this year Bundesver will begin the deployment of these drones.
< H4 Data-Start = "571" Data-End = "630" > Ukrainian experience helped to improve Black Hornet ~ < P Data-Start = "632" Data-end = "897" > in conversation with edition & nbsp; < em data-Start = "653" Data-end = "667" > zona Militar & nbsp; Senior Director Niels Haeger. He noted that the company is now focused on improving the software and emphasized the importance of Ukrainian experience in the war:
< Blockquote Data-Start = "899" Data-end = "1013" > < P Data-Start = "901" Data-end = "1013" > & ldquo; we have learned a lot in Ukraine, for example, target capture, scanning schemes and radio missions & RDQUO; < P Data-Start = "1015" Data-end = "1131" > This confirms that combat application & nbsp; < em data-Start = "1054" Data-end = "1068" > Black. Hornet & nbsp; Ukraine influenced further development and upgrades of drones.
< P Data-Start = "1015" Data-End = "1131" >< Iframe Width = "560" Height = "314" SRC = "//www.youtube.com/mBed/x199ot9o9whu" Alowfullscreen = "ALLOWFULLSCREN" >0 ~/IFrame >0 ~/P > < H4 Data-Start = "1133" Data-End = "1183" > Development Black Hornet 4 and plans for the future
~ < P Data-Start = "1185" Data-end = "1341" >The fourth version & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "1201" Data-end = "1215" > Black Hornet & nbsp; was officially represented in October 2023 after eight years of development. It became heavier but received a number of improvements:
< Ul Data-Start = "1342" Data-end = "1498" > < Li Data-Start = "1342" Data-End = "1393" >< Strong Data-Start = "1344" Data-end = "1359" Image,
< Li Data-Start = "1394" Data-End = "1442" >0 ~ ~ Strong Data-Start = “1396” Data-End = “1410” > Thermal Imper conditions,
< Li Data-Start = "1443" Data-End = "1498" >< Strong Data-Start = "1445" Data-End = "1472" speed.
< P Data-Start = "1500" Data-End = "1636" > According to Haagerunda, the company considers the possibility of developing P & Rsquo; a version of drone, but this can happen no earlier than 5-7 years. < H4 Data-Start = "1638" Data-End = "1678" > scale production of Black Hornet ~ < P Data-Start = "1680" Data-End = "1870" > as of today & nbsp; < em data-Start = "1699" Data-end = "1714" ~ 62 Flir & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; < strong Data-Start = "1731" Data-End = "1744" > 33 Thousands & nbsp; nano-goals & nbsp; < em Data-Start = "1757" Data-End = "1771" > Black Hornet & nbsp; in & nbsp; < strong data-start = "1774" data-end = "1792" > 45 countries of the world