After an epic first trailer released in April, Mufasa: The Lion King is revealed through a new trailer at D23. The prequel to the 2019 live-action, a huge box-office success, takes the ingredients of its predecessor to tell the story of Scar and Taka's childhood in a photorealistic adventure that struggles to convince.
mufasa and taka, the little-known story
In the general tradition of films that begin asa story told by from a character to another, àgrav; the image ofThe Princess Brideor even Titanic, Mufasa The Lion King calls on Rafiki to pass on the legend of his grandfather to the young lioness Kiara. It is through the eyes of Simba and Nala's daughter that we, ignorant spectators, discover the story of the two lions in the form of flashbacks.The future great Disney character is presented as an orphan, lost and alone, saved and treated like a brother by Taka, the heir to a royal lineage. As in the original work, an initiatory journey is at the heart of the story, of which you can see the new images below, unveiled by Disney on the occasion of D23.
Between epic action scenes, intimate passages, a new bad guy voiced by Mads Mikkelsen (Kiros), emotions and songs, the ingredients of Disney classics are well brought together in this trailer in the colors of the savannah. However, fans of the 1994 work will be upset to see the changes made to the origin story of the characters… If you were not seduced by the aesthetics of the 2019 live-action, we advise you to move on regarding this prequel. Mixing live action and photorealistic computer-generated images, Mufasa is aimed at fans of these 3D visuals, far removed from the 2D images of the original cartoons. Directed by Barry Jenkins, the film will be released in theaters on December 18. Will you be there?