< img src = "/uploads/blogs/2e/9d/ib -Fqlj3dap5_bfead8ff.jpg" Alt = "Most Italians because of the impact of the Kremlin's propaganda do not feel the Russian threat - activist"/> ~ ~ < p > Russian propaganda released deep roots in Italy, in particular because of the possibilities of & laquo; m & rsquo; rsquo; which forces & raquo; ryquo; among which culture is, and by systematic distortion Countries.
< P > This is in Interview & rsquo; < p > In particular, when the Italians feel the threat that Russia can pose to their country, the activist answered: & laquo; it seems that most & ndash; No. Do not feel. Although, if you think about it, there are many Russians in Italy. And what at one point in the Kremlin say that they are going & laquo; to protect Russian -speaking & raquo; in Italy ? what then ? & raquo;
< P Data-yield-master-placement-inserked = "" ">& laquo; they just don't understand what the Russian yoke is. They did not have gulags, a shot generation, the Soviet Union & Hellip; It was only here, and we do not want repetition & hellip; & raquo;, – stressed Tereshchenko.
< p > Commenting on the issue of influencing the Italian society of Russian narratives, the activist emphasized the systematic work of Russian propagandists in the appropriation of Ukrainian culture and distortion.
~ < p > & laquo; on the example of & nbsp; Italy & nbsp; very noticeable how Russia dominates in cultural space & raquo;, – Treshchenko. < p > at the same time she remembered the visit of Italian TVs to Ukraine, which she helped to organize after a full -scale invasion. Then the presenter was extremely impressed with the beauty of Ukrainian cities and asked: & laquo; how long we did not know about such a pearl in Europe ? & raquo; < p >& laquo; when you tell them that Kievan Rus was one of the most powerful empires in the Middle Ages, where 70% of dynastic marriages were concluded with Western European families, you mention Anna Kiev, it turns out that the Italians simply do not know this & am p am. < p > & laquo; they do not see its values in European space and vice versa & ndash; see great value in & laquo; big & raquo; Russian culture & raquo;, – the activist believes that the mission of Ukrainians abroad & ndash; talk about Ukrainian centuries -old heritage and culture.< p >In her opinion, it should be proved to Europeans that Russian culture & laquo; European & raquo; The sewing they know, unlike Western European and Ukrainian, does not have a Baroque period, which indicates the appropriation of Muscovy European narratives only in the recent period.
~ ~ > 62 > < p > commenting on the distortion of historical events by Russia, Tereshchenko recalled how the former Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine P & Rsquo; Yer Francesco Dzadzo told her about the pro -Russian inclination of the academic world in Italy.
< p > & laquo; he told how his friends, pro -Ukrainian academics, were literally survived for a pro -Ukrainian position. Here and at the university in Venice closed the Ukrainian department, – the activist said. – Italian professors grew up in conditionally pro -Soviet textbooks. If you wanted to write or find out about Ukraine, you had to call in Moscow. These people don't even know that you can so distort the story & raquo;.< p > & laquo; what is the norm for us, our knowledge that seems to us elementary, for Europeans is absolutely not so & raquo;, – Tereshchenko noted, emphasizing that such rose & Rsquo; Basics & raquo;.
< P > Thereshchenko believes that young people in Italy thanks to the pro-Ukrainian position of prem & Rsquo; Rsquo; Bad & raquo;.
< P > As it was reported, George Meloni & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; for the immediate holding of a summit between the United States and European states and allies to discuss joint calls, first of all, concerning the war against Ukraine.