< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/AFP-Image/2022-11/43AD201101613FA8E3A1F81211CB1AF90AF3B849.JPG ? Itok = QAWHDZ58" width = "1300" height = "867" alt = "" class = "Lazyload Img-Fluid Image-Style-Max-1300x1300" SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/AFP-Image/2022-11/43AD201101613FA8E3A1F81211CB1AF90AF3B849.JPG ? ITOK = Fotymm6l"/> 62 > 62 > AFP – Daniel Leal < P >< Strong > A study published on February 24 by the network of food banks reveals a strong diversification of the profiles of the beneficiaries. Retirees, workers, and even owners, more and more numerous, find themselves forced to call on these aids. In parallel, the state of health of beneficiaries continues to deteriorate.
< P >The time when food banks were only associated with help for the most disadvantaged seems to be over. In 2024, an increasing number of retirees, assets and even owners are found in the queues for food aid. According to the study carried out between September and November 2024, the number of beneficiary retirees jumped 3 % compared to the previous year, now representing 20 % of people helped. A leap of 5 % for precarious workers, or 22 % of beneficiaries, almost half of whom work full -time. & Amp; nbsp;< p > This trend alarm Les Associations which underline the growing impact of the cost of housing and energy bills on budgets, food becoming the only variable adjustment.
< P >In addition to this development of profiles, the health state of health is seriously deteriorating. Almost 78 % of those questioned declare health problems, ranging from visual disturbances to dental ailments or psychological suffering. Young people seem to be the most weakened … < P > In addition, the study reveals the worsening of the situation in rural areas, where one in four beneficiaries now resides, an increase of 6 points in two years. A phenomenon that underlines the extent of poverty, now far beyond major cities. And these new realities strike nationally: 2.4 million people are currently assisted by food banks, which collect more than 120,000 tonnes of products each year, the equivalent of 241 million meals. < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism. < P > With your support, France-Soir will continue to offer its articles free of charge & nbsp; we think that everyone must have access to free and independent information to forge their own opinion. < /p > < P > You are the sine qua non condition for our existence, support us for France-Soir to remain the French media which makes the most legitimate express.< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/D7/D6/IB-FQGSAB9G3_6E734499.jpg" ALT = "Starlink Competition is increasing: China and Amazon enters…
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