In a few months Poland can have a new first lady. < img src = "" alt = "Agata Duda and Andrzej Duda, screen youtube @natatpl" styles = "background-color: rgba (122,114,105.1)" > < p > Marta Nawrocka, wife of Karol Nawrocki, who starts in the presidential election as an independent candidate, but supported by Law and Justice, for the first time openly told about her plans in the event of her husband's victory. In an interview with & ampquo; Super Express & Amp; RDQO; She revealed what she would like to do as the first lady and referred to her predecessor, Agata Duda. Her words may surprise many & oacute; b.

< P >Although in Poland the role of the first lady is only representative and does not involve any remuneration, it still remains extremely important in public life. Over the years, the best -rated first lady was Jolanta Kwasniewska, who was involved in numerous social initiatives and was very active in the media. In turn, Agata Duda arouses mixed emotions, hepatic because of her withdrawal and lack of activity in public debate.

< p > according to Marta Nawrocka, this assessment is, however, wrong.

< p >< em >& AMP; BDQUO; I would not like to evaluate the activities of any of the first ladies to date. I think that Mrs. Agata is underestimated by some & oacute; He undertakes initiatives, engages in social campaigns and invites, among others Youth, visits the poppies. Her commitment is not exposed on television, but brings a lot of good & & amp. She emphasized in an interview with & ampquo; Super Express & Amp; RDQO;.

< p > In the event of the victory of Karol Nawrocki, his wife will face the challenge of entering the role of the first lady. In an interview, she admitted that she already had an idea for her social activities, and her priority will be the support of young people, especially the one struggling with mental problems.

< p >< em > & bdquo; I would like to focus on young people, especially the one with personal and mental problems, which & oacute; re often result from what happens on the Internet. Cyberbullying is terrifying for me. Young people need a helpful hand and a strong family & & ndash; translated Nawrocka.

< p > marked R & oacute; < p > for the first turn of the election & oacute; in the presidential left less than two months. If Karol Nawrocki is successful, his wife will become one of the most observed characters in Poland. She has remained in the shade so far, but her declarations show that she has a clear vision of her role as the first lady.

< p > will the support of the Pole & oacute; in and will become an active first lady like Jolanta Kwaśniewska ? or her promises regarding youth activities and senior & oacute; in the future will be realized in the future ~ 63 The presidential campaign is gaining momentum, and the figure of the potential first lady begins to play an increasingly important role in a political puzzle.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116