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Mark Zuckerberg helped China create an online censorship

< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/72/EA/IB-FQR2N6H1F_7C6FC931.jpg" Alt = "Mark Zuckerberg helped China to create an online censorship"/> ~ ~ ~ ~ < p > unexpected accusations fell on the head of the head of Meta Mark Zuckerberg. The new memoirs of the former employee of Sarah Winn-Viliams spilled light on how the largest social network of the planet tried to get into the China's market. And it is not only about business, but in cooperation with the Chinese government in censorship. In this case, the details of such negotiations were carefully hidden even from the US Congress.

< p > Sarah Winn-Viliama, which has been responsible for global public policy on Facebook for more than seven years, posted a book & laquo; irresponsible people & raquo;, in which the dark side of Meta culture reveals. She calls Mark Zerberg, Cheryl Sandberg and Joel Kaplan & laquo; irresponsible leaders & raquo;, which was indifferent to the consequences of her own actions.

~ ~ < P > Particular attention is paid to information about secret negotiations with the Chinese leadership. Zuckerberg, according to the author, agreed to develop special censorship technologies for China, in particular:

< p >Artificial intelligence tools were created, capable of automatically blocking inconvenient materials; < Br /> regular secret consultations with Chinese officials to implement such solutions. However, the Chinese government continued to put forward conditions that Meta could not fully fulfill.

< p > at the same time Zuckerberg hid these negotiations from the US Congress, as they clearly contradicted the company's publicly declared values ​​on freedom of speech. Witn-Viliams stresses that Meta management regularly misled American politicians about their real intentions.

< p > eventually, the ambitious project of Zuckerberg failed. Despite numerous efforts, including public study of Mandarin and visits to Beijing, Facebook has never received access to the Chinese market.

< p > The publication of the book caused a quick reaction of META. Official representatives stated that the author was released in 2017 and accused her of false testimony. However, Winn-Viliams herself insists on the accuracy of his words and claims that he has enough evidence to confirm each of his statements.

< P > One way or another, new details have questioned the reputation of one of the most influential businessmen in the world. The book gathered considerable interest, and the scandal around Meta seems to be gaining momentum.

Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116

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Natasha Kumar

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