< img src = "/uploads/blogs/dc/bd/ib-fr8nls268_16240df4.jpg" Alt = "lies in the morning: Hackers massacled Russian & quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot; quot /> < p >
< P _ngcontent-serverApp-C88 Lukoil. Workers called not to include computers and not use working services so that there is no data leakage.
Meanwhile, customers at gas stations cannot pay for fuel cards. About it reports & nbsp; 24 channel & nbsp; with reference to Roszma. < p >
< h2 class = "News-Subtitle" > “Lukoil” lies from the morning
< P > According to employees, the oil company services lie in the morning.
< p > on working screens appeared strange messages, after which they suspected & nbsp; hacker attack.
< P class = "bloquote" > access to the customer users and internal bases of the company is closed. It refers to both the head office and regional offices, & ndash; Write in Roszma.
< p > also paralyzed work of several offices. There, company employees cannot use electronic passes. Guard them runs inside only after checking the data manually.
< p > how much time will take the recovery now unknown.
< p > However, in 2024 Lukoil had already suffered a similar attack. Then the recovery work lasted about 3 days.
< P > In addition, the mass fee is recorded at once with several banks and mobile operators. Problems are in VTB, T-Bank, Alfa-Bank, Suberbank, Yandex Pay.
< p > The Russian fast payments system stopped working. Users complain about the inability to transfer or get money for about an hour.