The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavlo Durov before his arrest in Paris a week ago, maintained communication contact with representatives of the French Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) and even met with them in Dubai. The entrepreneur stated this during the interrogation, the French newspaper Libération reports with reference to a source.
When this meeting took place, it is not specified. On it, Durov made it clear that “it would be inappropriate for him to disclose information that constitutes a military secret.” The businessman also said that “as part of the fight against terrorism, he opened an official communication channel with the DGSI with a hotline and a special e-mail address”. This helped prevent several terrorist attacks, he claims.
Immediately after the arrest, Durov agreed to cooperate and gave law enforcement officers his phone and access code, the publication continues.
According to the newspaper, after the arrest of the founder Telegram President of France Emmanuel Macron discussed the situation with the head of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed Al Nahyan.