The Kremlin has begun removing metadata from videos and photos of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. This data allowed us to find out the date and exact time the photo and video were created.
The Polish publication reported this on Saturday, November 30.
As the publication reports, all photos or videos with Putin published on the Kremlin's website have zeros instead of date information. This means that the files have been edited. The same situation was with the recording of the Russian dictator's video address, in which he claimed that the army of the aggressor country Russia used the new Oreshnik missile to strike Ukraine on November 21.
“In addition, the data was erased from the video recording of his press conference at the recent CSTO summit in Kazakhstan,” — the report says.
It is noted that previously metadata made it possible to establish that videos and photos that were presented as fresh were actually taken in advance. Such “canned” materials about Putin are created frequently in the Kremlin.
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