< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/B1/03/IB-1IMIFDEGC_8FE63BD.jpg" Alt = "Man received five years behind the lattice for drainage of the Armed Forces"/> ~ < p >< Em > 48-year-old Kharkiv & Rsquo; Yanin received P & Rsquo; Yat years by lattice for drainage of the Armed Forces. 62 < p > for the transfer through a telegram to a familiar information about the dislocation of the Armed Forces of Kharkiv & Rsquo; Yanin received P & Rsquo; years of imprisonment. This was reported by Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.
< p > 48-year-old malefactor worked as a guard at the hotel. Data it was drained in the form of text and images with marks.< p > was indicated:
< Blockquote _ngContent-CisserverApp-C170 = "" "> < P > Law enforcement officers collected the evidence and exposed the corrective. During the search, he had removed equipment with evidence of illegal activity.
< p > to court the accused was in custody. He pleaded his guilt during the case.