This year's Eurovision Song Competition 2025 promises to be extremely exciting for Polish fans. < img src = "" alt = "Justyna Steczkowska, screen youtube @tvp" styles = "background-color: rgba (49,1,1,1)" > < p > although everyone focuses on Justyna Steczkowska, who will represent Poland, on the Eurovision stage we will see another Pole & Amp; Ndash; Januszkiewicz's Kajtek. The dancer joined the Estonian team of the artist Tommy & rsquo; ego cash, which is the biggest challenge for him in his career.
< P >Kajtek Januszkiewicz has been developing his passion for dance for years and is gaining more and more popularity in social media. He specializes in the style of Waacking, which & oacute; combines dynamic hand movements with expressive expression of emotions. His unique choreographies to the music of famous Polish series were conquered by the hearts of the Internet user & oacute; and now they opened the door to his international scene. < p > In an interview with “Super Express” the dancer revealed the backstage of his co -foggy from Tommy & rsquo; m casehem:< p > & ndash; It's a very simple and funny story. One January morning I woke up and saw a message on Instagram from the team Tommy & Amp; Rsquo; Ego Cash asking if I would like to join his dance team. I didn't think about a moment & ndash; I agreed immediately! & ndash; betrayed the excited kajtek.
< P >As it turns out, the Estonian artist came across his dance video on the web and he liked his style so much that he decided to invite him to his team.
< p > & ndash; On the first pr & Oacute; Bie Tommy directly told me that he saw my recording on the internet, he was delighted and said that he necessarily wanted to have me in the team. < p > Kajtek does not hide that despite his co -foggy; Łpracy with the Estonian artist, he strongly supports Justyna Steczkowska, appreciating her talent and determination. < p > & ndash; Justyna is an icon of the Polish music scene, a really great artist. I really like her music and I'm glad that she represents Poland for the second time at Eurovision. < p > Steczkowska fans have reasons to be happy. Her Eurovision proposal is already beating popularity records & ndash; Official video has accumulated over 2 million views and became the most viewed performance of & oacute; d previously selected representatives & oacute; w.< p > & ndash; Gratitude and emotion are little said! & ndash; wrote Steczkowska on instagram.
< p > Thanks to the participation of Kajtek Januszkiewicz in the Estonian performance Polish viewers will have another power to follow this year's Eurovision. RAZ & Oacute; WNO Justyna Steczkowska, as well as a young dancer have a chance to make a great show and sign up in the history of the competition. < p > or Steczkowska will fulfill the dream of victory ? or the performance of Tommy & rsquo; ego cash with a kajtek in the composition will prove to be one of the most spectacular ? answers we will know already in May, but one thing is certain & ndash; The Polish spirit will be very present at Eurovision!