Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor are not only a couple in private life, but also an incomparable duo in disarming the Internet. < img src = "" alt = "Joanna Koroniewska, screen youtube @dbory be happy" styles = "background-color: rgba (164,138,121.0.57)" > < p > They have proven for years that a sense of humor is the best binder of the relationship. But what happened recently nobody expected. The actress showed her husband & Hellip; Ultrasound photo. And he ? for a few seconds he looked like he saw the ghost. And not just any & ndash; spirit of the future, with a diaper and bottle in hand.

< p > on the published recording Koroniewska calmly gives Dowbor a mysterious photo. The camera captured every detail of this scene & ndash; From his surprise to complete shock. And then the words were spoken, which went to the online classics:

< p > & ndash; Nie & Hellip; But like ?! You are always so careful! We are too old, you are too old! Kt & oacute; ry is a month ?!

< P >At that moment & ndash; As the fans comment & ndash; “Maciek paled so that the smartphone screen got black and white.

< p > after Kr & Oacutek, a moment of drama, Joanna throws with icy calmness:

< p > & ndash; It's water in the knee.

< p > silence. Relief. Burst of laughter.

< p > Dowbor, having regained speech, was to smile, but his face revealed one thing: it was a nerve war & oacute; in and lost her to the crete. The internet had no mercy for him.

< p > & ndash; & AMP; Bdquo; Maciek, Hold on! But for old ? seriously ? now we are waiting for retaliation asieńki & rdquo; & ndash; one of the Internet users wrote. < br /> & ndash; & bdquo; water in the knee defeated the iron man & rdquo; & ndash; Another fan laughed < br /> & ndash; & AMP; BDQUO; I would keep him in uncertainty for a week. For learning humility & rdquo; & ndash; added another.

< p > What seemed to be a mere joke turned into a vralu phenomenon. Because Joanna and Maciej do something more than just amused & ndash; They show that even after years of relationship you can have a distance, joke, be spontaneous & hellip; And just human. Their relationship is like the series & ndash; Only without a director, but with a better scenario than many sitcom.

< p > Dowbor will probably avoid ultrasound for several days and check in Google what the water in the knee from & Hellip; fetal water. And Joanna ? c & oacute; Ż, knowing her creativity, is only the first episode of this family comedy from life.

< P > One thing is certain: their fans are already waiting for the next installment. And maybe this time Maciek will give Asia a “surprise” ? Although honestly m & oacute; there is probably no courage.

Natasha Kumar

By Natasha Kumar

Natasha Kumar has been a reporter on the news desk since 2018. Before that she wrote about young adolescence and family dynamics for Styles and was the legal affairs correspondent for the Metro desk. Before joining The Times Hub, Natasha Kumar worked as a staff writer at the Village Voice and a freelancer for Newsday, The Wall Street Journal, GQ and Mirabella. To get in touch, contact me through my 1-800-268-7116