Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor are not only a couple in private life, but also an incomparable duo in disarming the Internet. < img src = "" alt = "Joanna Koroniewska, screen youtube @dbory be happy" styles = "background-color: rgba (164,138,121.0.57)" > < p > They have proven for years that a sense of humor is the best binder of the relationship. But what happened recently nobody expected. The actress showed her husband & Hellip; Ultrasound photo. And he ? for a few seconds he looked like he saw the ghost. And not just any & ndash; spirit of the future, with a diaper and bottle in hand.
< p > on the published recording Koroniewska calmly gives Dowbor a mysterious photo. The camera captured every detail of this scene & ndash; From his surprise to complete shock. And then the words were spoken, which went to the online classics:
< p > & ndash; Nie & Hellip; But like ?! You are always so careful! We are too old, you are too old! Kt & oacute; ry is a month ?!
< P >At that moment & ndash; As the fans comment & ndash; “Maciek paled so that the smartphone screen got black and white.
< p > after Kr & Oacutek, a moment of drama, Joanna throws with icy calmness: < p > & ndash; It's water in the knee. < p > silence. Relief. Burst of laughter. < p > Dowbor, having regained speech, was to smile, but his face revealed one thing: it was a nerve war & oacute; in and lost her to the crete. The internet had no mercy for him. < p > & ndash; & AMP; Bdquo; Maciek, Hold on! But for old ? seriously ? now we are waiting for retaliation asieńki & rdquo; & ndash; one of the Internet users wrote. < br /> & ndash; & bdquo; water in the knee defeated the iron man & rdquo; & ndash; Another fan laughed < br /> & ndash; & AMP; BDQUO; I would keep him in uncertainty for a week. For learning humility & rdquo; & ndash; added another. < p > What seemed to be a mere joke turned into a vralu phenomenon. Because Joanna and Maciej do something more than just amused & ndash; They show that even after years of relationship you can have a distance, joke, be spontaneous & hellip; And just human. Their relationship is like the series & ndash; Only without a director, but with a better scenario than many sitcom. < p > Dowbor will probably avoid ultrasound for several days and check in Google what the water in the knee from & Hellip; fetal water. And Joanna ? c & oacute; Ż, knowing her creativity, is only the first episode of this family comedy from life. < P > One thing is certain: their fans are already waiting for the next installment. And maybe this time Maciek will give Asia a “surprise” ? Although honestly m & oacute; there is probably no courage.