< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/C6/5b/IB-FUDFFTAM8_F4A499EA.jpg" Alt = "iPhone under threat: Apple calls for users to immediately update the system"/> ~ ~ < P > Apple calls iPhone users download the last patch for iOS after the company has found a serious lack of security. About it reports Daily Mail.
< p > Correction is intended to protect Apple customers from & laquo; extremely difficult attack & raquo;, which uses the critical vulnerability of zero day.< p > vulnerability called Cve-2025-24201 was discovered in Webkit & ndash; browser mechanisms used in Safari and all other online browsers created for iPhone or iPad.
< P > Hackers used a drawback as open doors, creating harmful websites that gave them access to other areas of the smartphone outside the victim's web browser after visiting these fake pages.
~ ~ < p > Apple calls users download iOS 18.3.2 that is already available.
< P > Users must go to settings and check the overall software update.
< p > Technical giant warned that the problem can touch anyone who has iPhone Xs and newer models.