< IMG LOADING = "Lazy" SRSC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Medium/2022-03/97A76EC12A67FF93608E4C13D046C4E135C8.JPG ? iTok = KLPVYL4S" WIDTH Height = "899" alt = "The Sanofi logo, February 4, 2022 in Paris" Title = "97a76ec12a67ff93604ce08e4c13d046c4e135c8.jpg" Class = "Lazyload Img-Fluid image-Max-300x1300" SRC = "/Sites/Default/Files/Styles/Max_1300x1300/Public/2022-03/97a76ec12a67ff93604ce08e4c13d046c4e135c8.jpg ? Itok = H3ULXLT_"/> 62 > 62 > © Eric Piermont/AFP/Archives < P >< Strong > On March 11, Sanofi was indicted for toxic rejections to Mourenx, but escapes the endangerment of others. The marine warning launcher Martin, who has been fighting for years for the victims, expresses her disappointment in the face of this partial verdict.
< P >The company was indicted for irregular exploitation of an installation and non-declaration of incidents, after toxic releases detected on its Mourenx site (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). However, it avoided major charges: endangering others. A decision that leaves a bitter taste, especially in Marine Martin, a whistleblower and president of the Apesac association. With < EM > France 3 , it declares: “My first reaction is still the disappointment to see that the endangerment of the life of others has not been recognized.” For her, the victims of these discharges cannot be compensated in a fair way. < P >For several years, the association of Marine Martin has collected alarming testimonies, including residents and employees of the factory. Families, having experienced malformations in their children, denounce the extent of the exhibition. “They poisoned everyone: pregnant women, patients, residents and employees from Sanofi,” she said. Substances such as bromoprop and sodium valproate, active in Dépakine, have been found in concentrations far beyond authorized standards. The scandal thus exceeds the simple question of the drug: it is a whole community which has been affected. < P > Despite these revelations, the hope remains slim to see justice fully recognize the damages. Patrick Oncina, CGT delegate, said all the same: “It is a small victory, but we do not despair. The path is long, as shown by the Lubrizol affair”, he recalls. In short, the battle is far from over. < P >< Strong > The article you liked ? It mobilized our editorial staff which only lives from your gifts. < Br > Information has a cost, especially since competition from subsidized writing requires additional rigor and professionalism. < P > With your support, France-Soir will continue to offer its articles for free & nbsp; we think that everyone must have access to free and independent information to forge their own opinion. < P > You are the sine qua non condition for our existence, support us for France-Soir to remain the French media which makes the most legitimate express.< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/12/93/IB-FQVAQJ7D7D7_FD41A693.jpg" Alt = "editor-in-chief of occupation media holding" TRK "Crime Editor…
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