< img src = "/uploads/blogs/1d/28/IB-FR0SD6I1E_37C6FC93.jpg" Alt = "in Ukraine condemned a woman for publication in Telegram Location < p > Odessa court considered the case of a local resident who disseminated information about military and police in social networks. In particular, the woman was published in Telegram messenger where handling & nbsp; story.
< p > News.Live learned from materials & nbsp; unified state register of pre -trial investigation. & Amp; nbsp;
~ < H2 > detained for distribution of shopping center
< P > It is known that the accused who works as a customer specialist was detained after law enforcement officers recorded her activity on the network. She used her mobile phone to distribute messages in a chat that had almost 10,000 subscribers. In court, the woman pleaded guilty and expressed repentance. She explained that she acted ill -advised, and after June 2024 stopped such activity.
< H2 > What is the punishment for disseminating information about the TCC < P > The court, taking into account the circumstances of the case and that the defendant was not previously judged, made a decision on its punishment in accordance with the article obstruction of the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a special period. First a woman & nbsp; a sentence of 5 years in prison, but subsequently replaced by & nbsp; a trial period of 1 year.
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