< IMG SRC = "/Uploads/Blogs/4E/70/IB-FQU8ITIGF_DF4A499E.jpg" Alt = "to the Reserve+ Military Affairs have already generated more < p > In the reserve application+ 32,000 electronic referrals for the Military Medical Commission (VLK).
have been generated. < p > The Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digitalization Kateryna Chernnoroenko reported this on March 13.< P > The Defense Ministry launched an electronic direction of VLK at the end of January this year. This is part of the first stage of a large -scale reform.
< p > & laquo; more than 30,000 Ukrainians have generated e -directions to the VLK instead of going to the shopping center and standing there in line for a piece of paper that allows you to start a physical examination. It took a long time.
< p > In the framework of the reform, we digitized this service and made it human. But we do not stop there and continue to work on global changes & raquo ;, & mdash; Kateryna Chernororenko noted.
< P > Recall that in the first stage of reform of the Ministry of Defense, together with the Ministry of Health & Amp; Lsquo; I implemented electronic resolutions of VLK in the medical information system for inspection Charm.
< p > VLK reform is intended to do a military-doctor's examination as convenient, fast and transparent.
< p > is a complex process that involves digitalization of procedures and improving the legal framework.